Friday, January 26, 2018

Student Growth Post Data Collection

As part of the teacher evaluation and SIP plan process, we will be out collecting the post data for the Learner Profile focused student growth goal beginning on February 5th and concluding February 15th.  You may see Administrators from across the district and Instructional Coaches for across the district visiting your classrooms and asking students a few brief questions.  The intent is to not disrupt instruction but rather catch students at a time when they can quickly recall a few things and have an opportunity to describe the application of the learner profile.  We look forward to seeing the great work of our students and collecting the data.  The data will then be shared with all staff by the end of February.  For specifics on the levels of your goal, please be sure to reference the goal sheets signed by both you and your Administrator. 

EC-5 Dates

As January comes to a close I wanted to share a few key dates for upcoming events and meetings:

1-31 RTI Coordinators Meeting KSS 12-3
2-5 TAC HMS 4:15
2-12 TIC HMS 4:15
2-24 Young Knights Fair HMS 8-12
2-26 Kaneland 2020 Gallery Walk HMs 6-7

We welcome everyone to all events. 

Call for Proposals Coming Soon

We are in the beginning stages of planning for summer school.  We are excited to begin the process and want to share ideas collected from our community about the student and parent needs in our district.  Please consider submitting a proposal to teach any of these courses suggested as a need:
Spanish Refresher
STEM Camps
Innovation Camps

These were just a few ideas suggested by CAC this week.  We will soon send out the google form for you to consider a proposal.  Please remember summer school is not just intended for remedial learning, but also includes enhancement opportunities for students! 

Last call for IgKnighters

We are excited to welcome our first group of IgKnighters Fellowship Staff members this spring.  The applications will close this Monday, so please consider completing an application today.  One great benefit of being an IgKnighter is the collaboration among all grade spans in sharing in risk taking and innovation!  Apply today. 

Would You go to a Doctor who Has Not Progressed

Recently with a group of community members I was having a conversation regarding personalized learning and one community member brought this very point up that made me think.....he asked would you want to go to a doctor that your mother went to as a child and have him do the same medicine and practices?  He continued to ask the group would you want your children only to communicate the way we did, with letters and phones plugged into the wall.  He probed the group to consider a world in which to shop you have to leave your home, no quick amazon prime.  Why did he ask these things you wonder???  We were discussing personalized learning!  Some of the community members were sharing the statement "when I went to school we sat in rows and memorized things, and that was good enough, I turned out just fine".  The debate and conversation was a very engaging and healthy one and it did make me think.  Education, like all other professions should innovate and explore new practices and we should not rely on what worked for us as children.  I do realized the unknown of personalized learning is fearful, but I encourage you to see it as an exciting adventure.  As we shift to personalized learning it by no means that every classrooms will be full personalized, we know some students do not respond to that type of environment.  Please keep an open mind and continue to take risks. 

Monday, January 22, 2018

EC-5 Report Card Dates

Just a reminder the following are the dates for the standards based report cards:

2nd quarter-go live January 26 at 4pm
Due in Tyler by midnight on Wednesday, Jan. 24
3rd quarter-go live April 6 at 4pm
Due in Tyler by midnight on Wednesday, April 4
4th quarter-go live May 30 at 4pm
Due in Tyler by midnight on Monday, May 28