Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Personalized Learning Vlog: Episode 3

Trying new things can be terrifying! Shifting from familiar to unfamiliar practices can be a frightening experience!! In Episode 3 of the PL Vlog, we're getting into the Halloween spirit by asking Kaneland teachers, "What is the scariest thing about implementing personalized learning?" See if you can relate to the fears discussed, and the ideas for combatting them. Listen to Episode 3 HERE. Please consider sharing your reaction and thoughts in the comments! 

The following links are to the articles referenced in the Vlog. 

5 Ways to Support Kids Who Struggle with Student-Directed Learning

Tell Me About a Personalized Learning Challenge

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Kaneland Connects Trivia

Kudos to Tracy Krupka for winning the Kaneland Connects trivia raffle answer! 

Tracy, your prize is on the way!

This week's trivia question is a True or False one.....Is the following statement true or false? 
 All proficiency tables are required to be completed by the end of this school year. 

Email Laura Garland at with the correct answer!

What is WIN Time for Staff

This November 22nd all staff will have the time to select WIN (What I Need) time as one of the session at IgKnight. The intent of this time is to have staff reflect and select a personal or professional choice in order to best balance your needs as a professional. WIN (What I Need) time is an established time for staff to self-reflect on the personal and professional needs that would further progress their preparedness for learning and socialization. Please note the IgKnight sessions will be held on the KHS campus and not within all schools.  We look forward to many great sessions coming up at IgKnight!

9-12 Leadership/Ed Services Joint Statement

Ed Services met with the high school leadership team on October 12th to discuss various topics that have arisen over the last few months. Topics included:

-Standards-based grading

-Curriculum Standards to be implemented over the next months/by next year. The most impactful at this time will be the National Sexual Education standards which take effect next school year. We will put together a team in January to process anything we may need to change based on the ROE requirements. 

-Quizlet guidelines. At this time, it is not advised to use the Quizlet platform. There is great liability that comes with using this application, as we do not have a Digital Privacy Agreement (DPA).

-As a component of our principal search, the leadership team will be meeting with Dr. Leden, Dr. Adkins, and Ed Services to gather feedback to identify some of the needs of the building. Staff will have an opportunity to provide feedback via a survey in the Winter. 

Our next meeting will be on November 9th for our focus group. 

What is WIN Time- EC-5 Student WIN Time

 Over the course of this year we have discussed WIN (What I Need Time).  In order to further have common language and foundational knowledge of what WIN time, below are the definitions and examples of what it is and is not.  Over the course of this year we will further develop common language and practices.   

WIN (What I Need) time is an established time for students to self-reflect on the personal and academic needs that would further progress their learning and socialization.  During the WIN time students may select an activity, propose an activity or be asked to meet in a small group or with the Teacher.  WIN time should be focused on the ability to co-construct feedback that provides the students with options to what they need to further progress in their learning.

What it is:
All hands on deck approach
Remedial math/reading interventions
Enrichment groups
SEL groups/supports
Student leadership opportunities
Student interest groups
Content specific groups

What It is not:
Silent reading time
Free time for students and staff
Interventionists only providing supports
Tier 2 and 3 student focus only

6-8 EAC Joint Statement

 The Harter EAC Committee met on October 14th to discuss the following topics. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to reach out to any of the 6-8 EAC members. 

1. Discussed ideas for e-learning in regards to cold weather/snow days. Feedback shared was teachers would like time to plan effective lessons before live streaming with students. E-learning requires ROE and Board of Education approval. We are in the process of creating this plan. 

2. Curriculum Objection forms and New Standards. The team discussed what to do if a parent reaches out with an objection to what is being taught in the classroom. Should you experience this, please share with Educational Services. 

3. SBG and the Board presentation. We discussed more in-depth the expectations for the year. These thoughts were captured in the videos shared in the Curriculum Connections blog last week

4. Brainstormed ideas on how to continue to boost the morale at the building. 

Our next meeting will be held on November 11th at 2:50. If you have any topics you would like to discuss please share with your EAC members. 

IgKnight Conference Sessions Filling Up

 Thank you to the 375 staff members who signed up in one week for the IgKnight Conference on November 22nd.  Please remember every staff member needs to select their own sessions in the next week or your schedule will be created for you.  We have a handful of session filling up, so use the link below to register this week!

KEA and Administration Initiatives Meeting Follow Up

 Thank you to all KEA reps and Administration for coming to the annual Fall initiatives meeting.  The team engaged in sharing and problem solving.  A few follow up items from the meeting were: 1) videos sharing the expectations for PBP (sent last week in the blog), 2) cancelling the EC-5 PBP sub days in October and kicking off the work on November 23rd, 3) sharing the grid below with clarity in the Kaneland Connects plan.  Please let us know any questions you may have. 

Kaneland Connects Clarification Grid

All About Our Knights

  Let's take some time to share fun facts about our Knight Family.  Did you figure out the answers from last week's submissions?  Here they are for you.

1.  Who completed the Chicago marathon twice? Bob Barth

2. Who I almost delivered her daughter on the side of the road in an ambulance? Jessica Dixon

3.  Who grew up on a farm?  Stephanie Piper

4. Who was born on Valentine's Day? Mary Knepp

Try your hand at these fun facts about your peers, can you guess who? 

1. Although math gave her the most anxiety when she was young, she loves teaching math and word problems now?

2. Who knows how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop and has a certificate from them too?

3. Who experienced an emergency landing in a hot air balloon in someone's front yard?

4. Who as an adult has lived in 6 states and choose to leave California for family in Illinois?

Hints to help you match this week:

Stephanie Unger- KBK

Gail Payton- KSS

Nancy Meisenger- KSS

Stephanie Ortegal- KBK

EAC EC-5 Committee Update

 Today the Educator Advisory Council met for their monthly meeting.  The following topics were discussed:

  • The team took time to trick or treat.  Everyone needs a bit of fun, food and relaxation!

  • The team took time to discuss the final goal/month placement for the year.  The following are the goals per month. 

Committee Goals and Discussions by Month

Goals and Discussions

Please note any staff member may come as a guest to EAC for topics of their choice. 


-How to improve Full Remote Learning if needed

-Feedback on Passive Learning Practices

-Solar Curriculum Brainstorming

-New Sex Ed Standards Follow Up 


-Class size and student behavior expectations 

-Outdoor Education Revamp for Spring Session

-SIP data language and review 


-PD planning for next year (Invite KEA Leadership)

-Ideas to support Teachers (Lessening burnout)



-Bringing back the fun in classrooms


-Co-teaching success and barriers 

-Personalized Learning Academy Update 


-Grammar and Word Study for Next School Year

-Collaborative Inquiry Update

-SIP post data review


-Planning our work for 2022-23

  • The team discussed a follow up for the new Sex Ed Standards.  As of right now we only have 6 staff members in the subgroup that will work on the standards on November 23rd from 9:30-11:30.  If interested in being part of the committee on the SIP day, please email any EAC chair or Educational Service Department.

  • The district will provide all staff talking points for parent conferences regarding the new Sex Ed standards.  The talking points can be shared during conferences.  This year there is no expectation for implementing the new standards.  The district is just under review. 

  • The team took time to review and make suggestions for passive live streaming and full remote learning if needed.  The feedback will be taken to respective next step groups on EAC’s behalf.

  • The team reviewed the solar curriculum free resources materials samples from Trane.  These are free module materials from the company that installed our solar panels in the district.  Based on feedback we will request full modules for staff to further dive into.   

  •  The team will meet next on November 22nd at 2:50 to 4:00

Have a fabulous month!