Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Learner Profile Kindergarten Launch

 KST Kindergarteners have jumped into developing their Learner Profiles. They are enjoying learning about self-reflection and sharing discoveries about themselves as learners.  

Student Video 

Please consider sharing a quick video, a picture, or a reflection of your student's learner profile launch. Your class just might receive a special prize!

Remote Learning on Emergency Days

 This year we will be using remote learning for inclement weather days that are called prior to 8:00pm the evening before.  If a emergency is called after 8:00pm it will be a traditional snow day.  Please see the remote learning plan in order to be prepared on the expectations for the day if there is inclement weather coming.  

K-5 Escape Room Is Coming....

 We are just two weeks from the opening of the K-5 escape event for students.  The rooms are based on the Four Schools, One Book for this year.  We are excited to offer activities for K-2 and 3-5 within the escape rooms.  Please begin to consider if you would like to take an in-district field trip and experience the escape room!  If your team would like to consider a field trip, please email Sarah Mumm with possible dates.  

Monday, September 12, 2022

SIP Data

 The SIP Fall Data is IN!!!  We have chosen to run the data with a response rate quantitative process and share all respondents with the percent of response rate.  We were thrilled to have over 2000 students respond to both surveys this Fall.  Here is the final data for your own goals. Please continue to share the CASEL and Commitments with all students and make connections with for!

GOAL:  Social Emotional Learning with CASEL Competencies 

By February 2023, all areas of the CASEL competencies will see an increase in levels 3 and 4 compared to February 2022 collected data (See chart below for specific data expectations).   

September 2022 Data:

  • Collected as response rate quantitative data process

  • Total respondents 2431 students K-12

  • Percent of total 62% (post data must be within 8% of fall response rate)

  • One indicator already scored higher in level 3 and 4 than in the Spring (Self-Management)

CASEL Competency 

February 2022 Percent of Level 3 and 4

September 2022

Percent of Level 3 and 4

February 2023 Percent of Level 3 and 4







Social Awareness 



Relationship Skills



Responsible Decision Making 



Levels for Student Growth Goal:

Unsatisfactory:  3 or more of the competencies show a regression in progress as compared to February 2022

Needs Improvement:  3 or more of the competencies did not meet projected percent for level 3 and 4

Proficient:  Four or five of the CASEL competency areas meet the projected percent of level 3 and 4.

Distinguished:  One or more of the competency areas exceed the projected percent while all others meet the projected percent 

GOAL:  Kaneland Connects Commitment Reflection

By the end of February 2023, the District will see an increase in levels 3 and 4, within the identified action statement, in 4 out of the 5 commitment areas of Kaneland Connects, compared to September 2022 data.  

September 2022 Data:

  • Collected as response rate quantitative data process

  • Total respondents 2050 students K-12

  • Percent of total 52% (post data must be within 10% of fall response rate)


Commitment Area

Fall 2022 Percent of Level 3 and 4

February 2023 Percent of Level 3 and 4











Levels for Student Growth Goal:

Unsatisfactory: 3 or more of the commitments show a regression in progress as compared to September 2022.

Needs Improvement:  3 commitments showed growth as compared to September 2022.

Proficient:  4 commitments showed growth as compared to September 2022.

Distinguished:  5 commitments showed growth as compared to September 2022.

NIU Professional Development Survey

 Dear Kaneland Staff, 


You are invited to participate in a research study entitled “Barriers to the Impact of Teacher

Professional Development on Classroom Practice in Kaneland Public Schools 

” being conducted by Todd Reeves and Olha Ketsman, faculty members at Northern Illinois

University. The purpose of this survey is to understand barriers to the impact of teacher

professional development on classroom practice in Kaneland Public Schools. 


The study will involve completion of an online survey about barriers to the impact of teacher

professional development on classroom practice; and other factors that might be related to any

barriers you face, such as your level of teaching experience, grade level taught, and subject-

matter area.

The online survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. The information you individually

provide will anonymous. We would be grateful if you would participate in our study.  

No compensation will be provided for participation in this study.  

The survey and more information about the study can be accessed here. Or you can paste the  

following link into your Internet browser:


**The survey is best completed on a personal computer (e.g., laptop or desktop computer), rather

than a mobile/cell phone**  


Thank you in advance for your participation. 



Todd Reeves, Ph.D, Educational Technology, Research and Assessment, Northern Illinois

University, 815-753-9427 

Olha Ketsman, Ph.D, Educational Technology, Research and Assessment, Northern Illinois

University, 815-753-9687