The EC-5 MTSS Coordinators met today. The following were topics discussed:
-We met with the HMS MTSS Coordinator to discuss the transition of our 5th grade students to middle school. We are working on a challenge teacher nomination form for math and ELA that will be piloted with 5th grade this Spring.
-We discussed if a MTSS Co-Teacher is being subbed out for an in-district meeting, they may cancel support for the day this Spring beginning April 10th. This comes in response to MTSS subs being pulled at times and the hard work of sub plans being created for no sub to come. This will be a trial for this Spring. This practice will only be for this school year.
-The team began to consider the draft of the KDAB proficiency table for next school year. We will be reviewing and sharing this by the end of the school year and making KDAB revisions in the handbook.
-The team discussed the review of the MTSS survey and possible positive actions for next school year for our already amazing MTSS structure! Please remember to always be supportive of each other and remind each other the appreciation of the work we all do collectively!
-We are excited to host three MTSS Co-Teacher cross district meeting days with Educational Service next year. If you are a MTSS Co-Teacher please note the following dates: October 7 9:30-3:00, January 28th 9:30-12:00, and March 24th 9:30-3:00. We look forward to the expanded collaboration and discussion time.
-The team took time to review the possible data wall and hub needs for next year based on other assessments.
-The team took time to review the options for working with students throughout the school year. We will look to expand the connections with small groups of students in the coming year.
-The team discussed that huddles should include behavior discussions along with academics. Behavior support can be addressed prior to a full team meeting to further into tier 2. A huge celebration from this year has been the fluid behavior discussions.
-We worked on the MTSS BOE presentation coming up later this Spring.
-The team identified key links for next year's hub. We will continue to build this for next Fall.
-We planned out meeting dates for next year.
-The team discussed the reporting of pre and post math scores if a student is absent no adjustment will be made to the final percent this year.
-The team began planning IAR week for next year.
-The team affirmed the fidelity check dates starting next week.
-The team also began to review the math norming Fall and Spring dates for next school year.
The team will be meeting again on April 15th with Behavior Facilitators and Special Services Department.