Wednesday, January 15, 2025

K-5 Curriculum Chat (K-5)

 This week the Curriculum Chats met with School Psychologist!  The running agenda captured some of the notes of the discussion.  

Running Curriculum Chat Agenda  

This week's discussion with the Psychologist staff that were able to attend, the sessions are voluntary and was captured here in this video  .  

The next Curriculum Chat will be held on January 22nd with Speech staff.  Please remember these are optional events for staff.  Here is the recurring link.  

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

K-5 MTSS Coordinator Meeting (K-5)

 The K-5 MTSS Coordinators met today for the monthly meeting.  The following were topics discussed:

  • The MTSS Coordinators met with the Instructional Coaches first in the meeting.  They discussed the timing of the post math test assessment.  

  •  The team discussed the sharing and sending books home with students for at home practice.

  • The team discussed the process of KDAB culmination for Spring.  At this time we will pause the typical process of data review.  We will come back next month and consider how to use data to look for learning trends and for decision making this Spring. 

  • At this time the team will not be conducting co-teaching fidelity checks for spring. 

  • The team discussed the revision of the assessment and creation of word study and sight word assessment cut scores.  The Ed Service Department will be contacting past Word Study team members for interest in continuing the work in the next week.  That team will meet in May and plan revisions for next year. 

  • The next MTSS Teacher meeting 1/28 9:30-3:00 at KMAC.  This is a meeting for MTSS Teachers only.

  • The team discussed the planning of IAR and mapping out the process of IAR events and looked at the checklist.  

  • The team also discussed the Spring Rigby testing process.  We will continue to work on establishing the final process and sharing it with all staff after our February meeting for planning of the Spring Rigby process.  

  • The notes were taken by Dr. Mumm but approved by the following staff members: Chris Sears, Kristi Purnell, Catherine Orin, Shaun Wenz

Our next meeting will be February 10th.

Educator Advisory Council Joint Statement (K-5)

 Joint Statement:

  • Thank you to Liz Orman for taking notes today.

  • The EAC committee created a separate parent survey for current 6th grade families to gather more feedback. It will be sent out next week and the window will close on January 30th. EAC will look at trends from all of the surveys in February. 

  • Parent/Teacher Conferences: The team brainstormed ideas to create non-negotiables.

  • The committee worked with random partners and shared “glows and grows” from EAC’s first trimester. 

  • Our next meeting is February 10th.  

At our February Meeting be prepared to discuss:

  1. Increase the PR of our MTSS structures for all students and families and determine multiple ways for fidelity checks of our structures.  

  • Increase student and community ability to articulate learning, interventions and progress

  • How to PR as a step prior to SPED requests from families 

  1. Review of KPASS data and determine next steps for learning structures at 4th and 5th grade. 

  1. Cross grade span and school connections (follow up from October)

  • Grow understanding of what IgKnight is and the types of students who thrive/struggle in a PL environment 

  1. Follow up on Preferred PD for new adoptions structures

-Data shows the following as the top date options for new adoption training:

1st priority:  August/September instead of norming days

2nd priority: Stepembert subs after assessing and norming is complete

3rd priority: First contract day in August prior to Supply Drop Off 

Host and optional summer date with June as the first optional date, August is

second choice 

-Data shows the following as the top structure priority:

1st priority: Face to face with the company rep

2nd priority: Online training with the company rep

3rd priority: Face to face session with your Instructional Coach who has been

trained by the company rep

Questions to consider:

  1. If we have training instead of norming, do we require teams to discuss/norm data in schools only?  Or not at all?

  2. Any further ideas or suggestions for the professional development planning team?

Monday, January 13, 2025

Five Schools One Book Community Project (K-5)

 We are so excited for the kick off of the Five Schools One Book Lemonade Events!  This letter is going out to the community and family this week as the culminating activity that families may participate in.  Please note the fun application activity. Please feel free to get involved as well.