Welcome to the Curriculum Connection! Here you'll find news and updates on what's happening in the world of teaching and learning in Kaneland!
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Welcome Back!
Canvas Update from Faye
1. Changes coming: in mid-January, there will be a change to the editing bar in Canvas (known as the Rich Content Editor (images attached) The new version can do the same editing tasks that you are used to, but it looks different. If you want to make the switch early*, you can do so by opening up your course settings -->clicking on the feature options tab at the top -->scrolling down and enabling RCE Enhancements. The next time you edit a page, assignment, etc, you will notice that the editing bar has changed.
*Please note: the student experience will also change with this update.
Student guide for the new Rich Content Editor
Instructor guide for the new Rich Content Editor
Current Rich Content Editor:
New Rich Content Editor:
2. New Student View: Student View is now available in many areas of Canvas (instead of just on the home page). It looks a little different and can be found in the top, right hand corner of most areas of Canvas. (image attached)
Application Day Learning
As we transition back from the recent adaptive pause in our Phase 4 learning structure, please remember the need to provide learning activities for students on application days. These days are to be days of learning for students. The expectations for each level can be found below.
Application Day Expectations for Hybrid Students
Student application and practice work must be provided for 5 clock hours of the day. Extended Day Kindergarten should follow the same range of 5 clock hours and for half-day Kindergarten this would be 2 hours)
Students should access their application learning though Canvas, unless materials have been printed and distributed to students on a face-to-face day
Students must be assigned application and practice work for their online learning day at the end of the face-to-face session
Students will access tools and links through Canvas on these application learning days
Students may complete the application work any time at their pace prior to the next face-to-face session or assigned due date
During the A/B application learning days, teachers will respond to student or family inquiries within 24 hours during plan times and other typical email check-in times
Wednesday Expectations for Hybrid and Remote Students
The asynchronous Wednesday application activities will be posted by 9:00AM
○ Students should engage in 1 hour of activities from the Exploratory menu
○ Students should engage in 4 hours of activities from the core classroom.
○ Half-day Kindergarteners are expected to do 30 mins from the
Exploratory menu and 2 hours of core classroom activities.
On Wednesday, A Day, B Day, and Fully Remote students will log on to their teacher’s Zoom link for the 25 minute class period
Instructional/Educational Activities for the day will include:
A whole group check-in to start the period
The teacher will explain:
Any new content being delivered
Identify/share key standards that need to be re-taught/revisited
Individual or small group breakout sessions