Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Tenet B Personalized Learning 3.0 Evidence Sharing

 Hi All!

Time to share a little evidence regarding Tenet B from Academy: Growth Mindset. Please take a look at this video for more information. 

A growth Mindset is evident in so many classrooms across Kaneland! From posters to videos, conferencing to student-led presentations, a growth mindset involves instilling the belief in our students that anything is possible. 

From one teacher:  My mantra is “You got this”. We chart weekly data and then use that to show growth and encourage our students to continue to move forward. This visual representation is key for some of my students. Also use exit slips to help encourage students to meet their goals.

From another: 

We utilize a growth mindset through journal prompts. Example journal prompts: 

  • What is something you want to learn more about?
  • What is something you are currently working on mastering?  What steps do you need to take in order to master it?
  • What is something you've done well so far this year? Describe how/why you were successful.

Kane County Day Information

Hi All-

We are excited about the learning opportunities coming up with Kane County Day. Here are the options for the day. Please remember that the work runs from 8:00-3:00. CPDU hours will be granted upon completion of the evaluation for the day. 

1) Remain on-site at your building and work on:

     -Work Session on Linking Your F and P book titles to Calkins Writing Rubric (Facilitator Anne                Olsen) 8:00-10:00 Location TBD, contact Sarah Mumm to sign up

    - Word Study (EC-5) Subgroup choice work group time as agreed upon by the grade span work                groups

    -Word Study optional PD with Coaches on how to get prepared and set up new word study materials,     please contact Sarah Mumm to sign up 8:00-11:00 location TBD

     -Science Curriculum Review (for 6-12 science teams) 

     -Any work related to the 5 Kaneland Connects commitments (not to be done in isolation, please find        a group/team to collaborate with)

    -Work as a gorup or independent time on Personalized Learning 3.0 evidence gathering

    -Dani Santo session on Supporting Multilingual Students with SIOP Best Practices 9:00-10:00, contact Sarah Mumm to sign up, Location TBD

    -Optional session for Personalized Learning Academy Staff to meet at Meredith for next steps planning (half day), contact Laura Garland to sign up 

2) Register for and attend any of the Kane County Offerings:

     -Please click here to register:

     -Most of these sessions are held at the Q Center in St. Charles

            -Keynotes: Aaron Polansky and Monica Genta

    -Attend any of the Kane County partner sites (as noted on the Kane County ROE website)

   -Sign up PRIOR to February 9th 

    -If sessions cost funds, you MUST have School Admin approval prior to signing up

**Any offerings outside of Kane County will likely require additional fees and payments. This will require pre-approval from your building principal**

Infinite Campus Updates

 Hi All-

As you may or may not know, we will be required to transition to a new Student Information System (SIS). For the last several years, we have used Tyler as our SIS. Tyler will be no longer after this year, so as a district, we have adopted Infinite Campus (IC) as our SIS. 

THIS IS DIFFERENT FROM CANVAS, which is a learning management system (LMS). We will continue to use Canvas as our LMS. 

Our technology department has outlined a series of trainings, starting from the ground up this month, with building the necessary infrastructure to operate successfully. Over the course of this semester, various groups will be engaging with IC and their trainers to learn all about the product. 

As information that is pertinent to our staff becomes available we will be sharing it through this blog, our building administration, and various other staff members. In addition, we can have paid opportunities over the summer as well as time on contract when we begin the year. 

Identifying Students in Email

It is common practice to use a student or staff member’s initials when writing emails or other communications in an effort to keep the message confidential.  However, we have recently learned that this practice does not protect confidentiality, and we are struggling to respond to FOIA requests and other student record requests when initials have been used.  The use of initials does not relieve the district from sending an email with a student’s initials when requested.  Additionally, when a student’s initials are also a commonly used word, such as ‘AS’, ‘IS’, etc…, the time that it takes to sort through the emails is very time consuming.  With this being said, effective immediately, we are directing all staff to only use a student's first and last name when referring to the student in an email message.  This will help significantly in our search when responding to FOIA or student record requests.  Please contact Dr. Fuchs at if you have any questions.  Thank you!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

District Personalized Learning Steering Committee Joint Statement

The district-wide Personalized Learning Steering Committee met last week for their January meeting. The team renewed its commitment to supporting PL across all schools. Action steps identified include steering committee members partnering with another staff member working to implement the 10 Tenets of PL in their setting, providing additional clarifications regarding Tenets C (Learner Profile) and J (Customized Pathways), providing additional examples of each tenet being implemented across grade spans, identifying IgKnight Conference 2023 session needs, ensuring all staff is aware of existing PL resources and supporting the work of the grade span specific PL teams. Additionally, the team discussed committee members serving as liaisons between IgKnight Academy and existing Kaneland schools, once the Academy is up and running.

The team's next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 23rd from 4-6pm at KMAC. Visitors are always welcome.

Monday, January 16, 2023

EC-5 Student Focus Groups

 This year it has been such a pleasure to hear from our students once per month through focus groups.  Each month we bring students into our CHESS meetings to share their perspective on learning, Kaneland Connects Commitments, and what should change at our schools.  This month we had the pleasure of meeting with KST students.  Here are just a few ideas shared:

-All of them were able to speak to what they were proficient in and what goals they have for learning

-Many indicated proficiency in math paths and even offered to be a resource for others students

-None of them had seen their report cards at this time

-Some of the goals they have for themselves include:  jump roping more, writing sight words, asking for help when needed, more choice and freedom in Friday sessions, more independent study, more recess and lunch so they can socialize more and working on decimals!

Thank you to the staff and students at KST for hosting these focus groups! 

EC-5 MTSS Joint Statement

 The EC-5 MTSS Coordinator team met last week.  The following were topics discussed:

-The team began to review the process of getting IAR testing and field testing set up.  KST and KME will be field testing ELA tests this Spring.

-The team began to review and pull data of our MTSS implementation process so far this year to share with the BOE during staffing discussions. 

-The team reviewed the Kindergarten Rigby assessment entry.  No data will be entered into T1, just in the Matrix pre column.

-The team mapped out the sub dates for the Spring Rigby assessments.

-We took time to begin to brainstorm the Spring Data day activities.  We will continue to share ideas next month at our meeting. 

-The team discussed any edits to the handbook to put on the suggested list for next year.  

-The team discussed the ISA testing for 5th grade this Spring and began to clarify and plan the assessment expectations levels for Rigby and reading. 

-The team discussed the structures of exploratory huddles and topics of discussion. 

-Ed Service will begin to stop out and do learning walks during huddle times this Spring. 

-We are all very excited for the upcoming MTSS Steering Committee meeting on January 26th!