Wednesday, November 14, 2018

TAC Joint Statement

The TAC Committee met this afternoon and the following topics we discussed:

Nicole Pryor and Vikki Moeller attended the meeting and the committee had an open discussion held on the Universal Behavior Screener. KBK has done this for a few years now, and noted that teachers have become familiar with the process so the teaching staff now completes it by a given date on their own.
In order to have the behavior screener analyzed for data day discussions, some schools missed the norming window. To problem solve this, teachers had the opportunity to go back and amend the form prior to data day meetings
The committee discussed some of the functional skills that students struggle with. Hopefully as the process continues we will be able to find some data patterns to help address needs.
Some schools used previous swis data in addition to the screener to help make social work groups.
KST representatives shared out on the co-teaching progress in their building
Benefits of the structure were shared as well as some roadblocks that KST has experienced
Overall, it seems to be successful for the students
As a district, we are looking at the continuum of services for students and where co-teaching falls on that continuum
Co-teaching is an ongoing process that is constantly being evaluated and there are many benefits to share. There are also some unknown pieces that are difficult to account for (scheduling, caseload, students who qualify later in the year, etc.)
It is important to note for co-teaching that as long as the special education teacher and the general education teacher co-plan and review student progress jointly, either teacher can deliver the instruction. In a co-taught class, the general education teacher can instruct a student with an IEP as long as they were involved in planning with a certified LBS1 teacher. These would count as co-taught minutes on an IEP.
The results of the first collective efficacy rubric for TAC was shared and the results are found in the TAC notes
The TAC committee will take the survey and use the data to set goals moving forward
Open House structures were discussed, specifically looking for ways to make the night more meaningful and impactful for parents
Discussed in detail “A Day in the Life” experiences similar to what a staff member has done before
Open House numbers that have been tracked for years show this as one of the lower attended evenings
TAC members will be sharing with their individual buildings the brainstormed ideas at a morning meeting to try and put some changes in place moving forward
We will put in a check in date at out January
If you are interested in being part of the 1:1 teacher advisory team, please let Sarah or Mike know

For more detailed notes, the agenda for the meeting can be found here:
TAC Meeting Notes

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

11/20 Articulation Cohort Information

This post is your one-stop-shop for a successful morning next Tuesday!

What:  Vertical Articulation meetings
When:  11/20 from 8am-11am (please note the time change
Where:  Kaneland Meredith Middle School (for most-might be different for self-selected groups)
Why:  To have dedicated time to discuss our curriculum with each other!

As we did last year, we are providing time, space, some suggested groupings, and some guiding structure for groups looking to work together to do some vertical articulation.

  • Please see the list below for those pre-determined groupings and who we are hoping will attend.  
  • We leave the choice of selecting attendees up to you and how you will best be able to use your time.  
  • For those not attending one of these suggested groupings, you may create your own groups using the criteria below.  
  • Finally, you will see a guiding progression of I Can statements that groups can use to guide their work if they don't know where to start.

Please note, all attendees will be required to complete the cohort reporting form to verify attendance and gain their clock hour reporting form.  This form will be shared on 11/20 via email.

Pre-set groupings & locations:

Design-Your-Own Groupings Guidelines:

Staff not attending one of the groups outlined above must organize into one of the following types of groups.  Each group should select a facilitator who will lead the group the the steps outlined below.  Each person in attendance must submit the following reporting form; upon submission of the form you will be given access to the clock hour documentation form for the day.  This submission will also serve as your attendance and record of participation in the day.

Option A:  Group includes members from different buildings, grade-spans, and content areas

Option B:  Group includes members from the same building, but different content areas (HS only)

Option C:  Group includes members from different buildings within the same grade span (Elementary only)

Option D:  Group includes members from the same building, but different grade levels (MS only)

Guidance for those that need it:
  • The primary function of time is NOT to do clerical mapping work but to use any mapping templates as tools to further their conversations
  • Teams should use the following I can progression as a guide for their work today:
    • I can articulate what the major outcomes at my grade level are for my students
    • I can articulate what major skills/knowledge students will be entering my class with
    • I can articulate what major skills/knowledge students are expected to enter the next level with
    • I can explain how the skills/knowledge gained in  my class are logical extensions of what students learned before my class as well as how they will build upon their skills and knowledge at the next level
    • I can explain how the assessments in my classroom not only tie to the expected outcomes of my own course but also build upon what was previously learned and prepare for what will come next
    • I can identify and define academic vocabulary that is crucial at my level
    • I can identify and define academic vocabulary that I can expect students to enter my class with
    • I can identify and define academic vocabulary that students will be expected to learn and use at the next level
    • I can identify and define academic vocabulary that spans all grade levels in my subject area
    • I can share how specific learning activities utilized in my classroom help students acquire the skills/knowledge they are expected to master at my level
    • I can compare and contrast how learning activities used at levels above and below mine align to instructional decisions I have made in order to create a fluid learning experience for students as they progress through grade levels
  • Team should end day with a reflection on the work completed and needs still outstanding 
    • Generate a plan for future action
    • Generate a plan and request for additional time (if needed)
    • Above steps can be completed using the google form

11/20 Vertical Articulation Time Change

Due to the 5Essential Survey being delayed by the state, we are adjusting the schedule of 11/20 to provide more time for articulation time instead of taking the survey.  Your building leaders will share with you revised plans for completing the 5Essentials Survey.

The schedule for Tuesday, 11/20 will now be as follows for all EC-12 employees:

8am-11am:  Articulation Cohorts EC-12
11am-12pm:  Lunch EC-12
12pm-3pm:  Building-specific Agendas at the following locations:

  • EC-5 staff will meet at Meredith 
  • KHMS staff will meet at Harter
  • KHS staff will meet at KHS

Final IGKNIGHT preparations!

Please take a moment to read the information below for some final reminders for IGKNIGHT 2018!

  • There will be no hard-copies of your schedules.  Please make note of your schedule and rooms prior arriving at KHS on 11/19, bring your computer so you can log into your SCHED account, or download the SCHED app to your phone for digital access to your schedule.  The event site is
  • Please arrive at KHS and sign in in the East Gym leaving yourself enough time to get to the auditorium and find a seat for our 8am start time.
  • Attendees that have not registered by the day of the event will have to find sessions with open seats to attend.  This task will be difficult without the use of the SCHED tool on your computer or cell phone.  Signs will be posted on all rooms with session titles and times for that room.  
  • Buses will run during transition times between the West entrance of KHS (the administrative office entrance) and the Main entrance of Meredith Middle School.
  • Paisano's will be on site to sell pizza during lunch in the KHS cafeteria!  Please see the menu below.  Cash and checks will be accepted, so please plan accordingly.  Flavors will include:
    • Cheese
    • Sausage
    • Pepperoni
    • Veggie - Tomato, Onion, Green pepper
    • Deluxe - Sausage, Pepperoni, Onion, Green pepper
Slices will be $3 for Cheese, Sausage or Pepperoni
$4 for the Veggie or Deluxe
Cans of pop - Coke, Diet Coke, Root Beer and Sprite will be $1 each.
  • In addition to Paisano's pizza in the KHS cafeteria, the following vendors will also be on site to help you with any needs you might have:

  • Aurora University (available cohorts)

  • Northern Illinois University (available cohorts)

  • Scholastic (teacher tools, especially ELA)

  • NEA (membership questions)

  • IMRF (retirement questions)

  • TRS (retirement questions)

  • Kane County Teachers Credit Union (services for educators)

  • Classroom Rescue (behavioral techniques and strategies)

  • Kaneland Performing Arts Boosters (apparel)

  • Kaneland Sports Boosters (apparel)
    • All attendees will be required to complete an evaluation survey online at the end of the day in order to receive their clock hour attendance verification sheets.  Instructions for accessing this survey will be shared during the final session of the day.