Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Tenet I

 5 Commitments of the Graduate Profile

We have had over 100 submissions for tenet I so far. Evidence within this tenet has spanned from students engaging in social-emotional learning lessons to students self-reflecting on progress within proficiency tables. Our district commitment teams are continuing to monitor and assess progress on the yearly goals associated with each commitment area. Please see this video for more information on Tenet I. 

Connecting SBG and PBP - What's the Same? What's Different?

Over the last few years of implementing our Kaneland Connects strategic plan, we have had many deep conversations regarding standards-based grading (SBG) and proficiency-based progress (PBP). Oftentimes, we get the question - how are these different from each other? Great question! Here are a few talking points on what PBP is vs. what it is not:

PBP is:

-A method for building clarity for all learning expectations
-A system that allows students to progress in learning based on their own customized learning path
-An instructional practice that focuses on co-constructed feedback and individual progression through learning
-The day-to-day learning activities in a classroom

PBP is not:

-A final summative grade
-A rubric for determining a grade or outcome

Standards-based grading on the other hand is a system for communicating final grades once students have demonstrated their learning in a proficiency-based environment. 

SBG is:
-A summative report of a grade that represents where a student falls on a reported standard
-Based upon descriptive language outlined in a PBP table
-Directly connected to learning outcomes, not point accumulation

SBG is not:
-An accumulation of points (worth repeating!)
-A compliance tool to force students to turn in homework

K-5 PBP Edits for Tables

We are looking for any last suggested edits to the current PBP tables.  Please submit your  suggested edits to this doc that began to collect edits in November.  Please be sure to note behind your suggestion your school.  We will make edits that have the majority consensus from the job alike staff at schools agreeing with the edit.  All edits will be made through the Department of Educational Service starting in May.  All revised PBP tables will be posted in the same K-5 PBP shared folder on google drive for you to access later this summer.  If you currently own a PBP table or a Folder in the PBP shared folder, please shift that joint ownership to Sarah Mumm.  

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

NIU PD Barrier 6-12 Survey Results

This past year Kaneland partnered with the NIU RITE lab for a research project to dive into the barriers facing our professional development.  The lab created and assessed our perceptions through surveys and focus groups.  The purpose of the survey was to review the barriers we would like to break down in order to make professional development more impactful for all.  Here are the results for 6-12.  Behind each finding is a solution to support a shift in the perception:

*13 6-8 staff members took part in the survey
*1 9-12 staff member took part in the survey

*Teacher stress and negative attitudes towards change were the top two barriers for professional development- We are providing Teacher Resilience training sessions next year for staff during IgKnight and looking to foster more SEL sessions for staff throughout the year.

*Further needs in teacher collaboration and accountability for implementation were noted for more successful professional development to occur- We will continue to focus on times for teachers to observe each other and debrief afterward. We have had close to 70 staff members between the middle school and high school observe each other with an explicit focus during the current year.  Building staff meetings and team/KLC meetings will be tailored to the areas from Academy 3.0 in which there is the biggest need. 

*The top suggestion for impact into the classroom is to provide practical application time during the PD sessions for how to specifically implement the curriculum practice.- Next year we will continue to offer coaching and application cycles throughout the year. We will also continue joint learning walks with district and building administration in order to provide feedback on PD that is being implemented in the classroom. 

* Time constraints and curriculum mandates were the top two barriers to implementing and applying professional development in the classroom.-There is no new Personalized Learning Academy next year allowing more time to focus on curriculum implementation practices. 

We thank you all so much for taking part in the survey and focus group process.  This research has helped us reflect and consider other structures for professional development and application of our learning.  

NIU PD Barrier K-5 Research

This past year Kaneland partnered with the NIU RITE lab for a research project to dive into the barriers we have for professional development.  The lab created and assessed our perceptions through surveys and focus groups.  The purpose of the survey was to review the barriers we would like to break down in order to make professional development more impactful for all.  Here are the results for K-5.  Behind each finding is a solution to support a shift in the perception:

*15 K-5 staff members took part in the survey
*Teacher stress and negative attitudes towards change were the top two barriers for professional development- We are providing Teacher Resilience training sessions next year for staff during IgKnight and looking to foster more SEL sessions for staff throughout the year.
*Further needs in teacher collaboration and accountability for implementation were noted for more successful professional development to occur- Next year we will be using more frequently the delivery implementation tables for ongoing feedback cycles with staff on the accountability of implementing our practices.  We are also looking at times for grade span meetings across schools. 
*The top suggestion for impact into the classroom is to provide practical application time during the PD sessions for how to specifically implement the curriculum practice.- Next year we will be using more frequently the delivery implementation tables for ongoing feedback cycles with staff on the accountability of implementing our practices.
* Time constraints and curriculum mandates were the top two barriers for implementing and applying professional development in the classroom.-There is no new Personalized Learning Academy next year allowing more time to focus on curriculum implementation practices. 

We thank you all so much for taking part in the survey and focus group process.  This research has helped us reflect and consider other structures for professional development and application of our learning.  

Monday, March 13, 2023

IAR Reminders

 Please remember during IAR if any parent writes and submits an opt out letter, please send a copy to Educational Service Department.  If a student is opting out remember they are not able to use the time as a study hall or work time.  They are only able to read a text.  They should not use any technology or anything but a book.  They may also not leave the room during testing.  Please contact Sarah or Patrick with any questions. 

Personalized Learning 3.0 Udpate

 We are excited to share the initial feedback from staff who have completed Personalized Learning 3.0.  Once you have completed all of the tenets, you will be sent the official clock hours for your ELIS evidence.  As part of that process you are asked to reflect on the academy using the State of Illinois PD questions.  Here are the initial responses.  

   Forms response chart. Question title: For each statement below, select the number (4 to 1) that best describes how you feel about your experience in this professional development. (4--Strongly Agree, 3--Agree, 2--Somewhat Agree, 1--Disagree). Number of responses: .