Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Kaneland/ Institute for PL Partnership Expansion

The Ed Services Department is excited to share an expanding partnership with the Institute for Personalized Learning. To showcase our progress within the 10 Tenets of PL, we will be hosting site visits next year. If you would like to have your classroom included in the visits, to showcase your work around any of the 10 Tenets of PL, please complete this Google Form. We are proud of the work being done in Kaneland to emphasize student ownership of learning. LINK TO FORM 

MTSS K-5 Spring Data Correction

 On Monday night the MTSS co-teaching data was shared with the BOE.  It has come to our attention that some of the data was incorrectly documented.  Here is the corrected version of the data.  We will also share the updated data with the BOE in June with the full comparative data session.  

6-12 Traditional Grading Practices Update (6-12)

 Hi All-

I just wanted to share an update on our 6-12 traditional grading practices for the 2024-2025 school year. We will be slightly editing the language in our reassessment section and will share with the Board for approval at our next Board meeting which will be May 29th which falls just after our last day of attendance. The full discussion regarding the changes can be found on the recording of the May 13th meeting on our website, but the two key takeaways are:

-Teachers having the final approval of a student's relearning plan to make sure that the necessary steps have been taken

-A cap on improvement of the reassessment taken

If you have questions after watching the meeting, please contact Patrick atr to discuss. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Barnes and Noble Bookfair

 Come join the fun and stop by the Barnes and Noble Kaneland book fair Thursday night from 4:00-7:00.  Come shop for all the graduation gifts, Father's Day, and just to treat yourself!  The Kaneland shopping code can also be used online.  A percent of all proceeds collected with this shopping code will go to Kaneland LRC K-5 and Inspire.  Please use this code if you choose to come or shop online:  12758983.

Summer PD Sign Up Closing Soon!

 After this week, the Department of Educational Service will be closing our Summer PD sign up for those sessions in June and canceling any with low enrollment.  Please sign up today for any sessions that you would like to attend this week so we can plan accordingly.  There are GREAT topics this summer. Please see this link to the full course offerings

Lucky Duck Winner!

 This week is the last week to get your duck matches in.  The LAST weekly duck winner who can get a sweet treat by emailing Sarah Mumm is number 98!  Contact me today for your treat.  

Coaching Celebration!


Last week Kaneland Coaching team was recognized for their commitment to professional learning at the ECN Coaching Network Conference. The team was recognized with the Coaching Champions award for their commitment to instructional coaching!  Kudos to our amazing team! 

Please see this link for the full press release.