-Welcome and purpose of the committee, including logistics, meeting times, and intended goals and structures
-Our next meeting will be tentatively scheduled for March 25th at 2:45. This meeting will be held virtually.
Welcome to the Curriculum Connection! Here you'll find news and updates on what's happening in the world of teaching and learning in Kaneland!
Details regarding 2021 summer school course offerings for each grade span are being finalized. Information regarding teaching opportunities for summer courses will be sent by the end of February. We are NOT yet seeking teachers for our summer courses, so please hold your interest at this time.
In order to provide more flexibility to staff members at the EC-5 level to sign up for the second dose of the vaccination, we will shift the March 24th asynchronous day to March 10th. Please mark your calendars for this process, shift this in any communication you have had with parents, and share the shift with students. We will move the A student attendance and the March 10th exploratory sessions from the 10th to the 24th.
Here are the remaining Wednesdays for your reference:
March Wednesdays:
3-3: Asynchronous
3-10: Asynchronous
3-17: B Day
3-24: A Day
3-31: Spring Break for the District
April Wednesdays:
4-7: Asynchronous
4-14: A Day
4-21: B Day
4-28: Asynchronous
May Wednesday:
5-5: A Day
5-12: B Day
5-19: Asynchronous
Due to the ongoing regulations from COVID-19, we will be doing a virtual Open House this Spring. The Open House will be "held" on April 8th. Staff will not need to be on campus during this time but rather will be using the contractual after school time prior to the 8th to prepare a video open house for families. Please carefully review the guidelines below to plan and complete the video for your class. The guidelines were co-constructed with Educator Advisory Council. There is both a Teacher and Student component to the Open House, so please be sure to share and assign the relfection with your students. We will also be hosting a Spring Online Book Fair from April 8th to the 22nd. Please help us promote this event as well.
We will be creating a sample of the Teacher video to share in the next two weeks.
Please remember to take your Teacher 5Essentials Survey on or before March 3rd. Here is the Teacher Survey link.
lso be sure to assign the survey to your students on or before March 3rd by using these directions and attaching the PDF sent in email on the 11th with how to access your State ID:
Due to some date and learning structure shifts, we needed to cancel and rearrange some of the I-Ready sessions. Please see these available dates. Please let Sarah Mumm know if interested in attending any of the sessions. The sessions are geared to K-8th grades using I-Ready.
March 3rd
1:00 - Teacher Toolbox and Remote Teaching Strategies
9:00 Goal Setting:
2:00 - Goal setting :
April 5th (during SIP DAY)
1:00 - Teacher Toolbox:
2:00 - New Teacher:
May 19th
9:00 - Teacher Toolbox
1:00 - New Teachers