Thursday, January 30, 2020

K-5 Curriculum Review Update

Today the SEL, Cursive, Word Study, and Grammar Curriculum Review Committee met for their check in meeting.  The following were topics discussed and progress made today:

-All continuum maps have been drafted and will be shared through the EAC.  After EAC review the drafts will be sent out for all staff to view.
-The small group teams are working on identifying reported standards and non-negotiable for implementing the new continuum maps.
-The team discussed drafting student friendly continuum based on identified reported standards.  -This work will occur later Spring or Summer.
-The small groups took time to begin to vet various tools to support the curriculum.
-Our final timeline for due dates and Board approval was set.
-Please be sure to read the roadshow carefully for full updates on implementation.

Learner Profile Final Data Collection

All Learner Profile modules and paper assessments have been sent out to staff and students.  Please be sure to remind students 4th to 12th grade to log onto Canvas and complete their next reflection.  All student submissions are due by February 3rd.  Thank you to staff who have already submitted the reflections.   We look forward to seeing our progress over the course of the year.

Celebrating Kaneland

This spring we want to share our Kaneland pride and why we are working and learning here.  Please take time to send in a quick video of why you love being in Kaneland.  These will be compiled and shared as part of our wrap up celebration for Kaneland 2020.  We will be sending out an email to all students and families requesting why they chose Kaneland and why they love being a Knight. Feel free to team up with students and others to make a create celebration video.  Let's share our Kaneland pride with our community.  All submission should be complete and March 16th.

February 14th Agenda

Our next Institute Day comes on February 14th.  The focus of the day is to have dedicated work time for further development of proficiency tables in the morning and afternoon contract work time.  Please notes each group does have a identified person who will assist in overseeing the process.  Each group should hear or see a check in from the person overseeing the process.  The following is the schedule for the day:

8-11 Proficiency table groups
11-12 Teach EdCamp
12-1 Lunch and Travel
1-3 Contract Work Time

8-11 Proficiency table groups (location determined by group, please communicate with your oversight person)
11-12 Lunch and travel
12-1 School Check In
1-3 Contract Work Time

After the February 14th day, more feedback on the process and tables will be shared to the groups by Educational Service.

CHAMPS Canvas Course

If you are looking for a CHAMPS refresher or need to re-establish CHAMPS routines in your classroom, check out this fabulous CHAMPS Canvas Course.  Log on using:
Alternatively, they can sign up at and use the following join code: ABGFY6  

Thank you to Stacey G. And Brandon F. for the time in creating such a great tool.