Friday, September 20, 2024

First Meeting of the Kaneland Commitment Team 2024 - 2025 (EC - 12)

As part of Kaneland Connects, the district hosts a commitment team that meets on a quarterly basis. The team comprises members of the community, distinct and building level administration, teaching, and support staff. The first team meeting of the 2024 - 2025 school was held at Kaneland Meredith Academic Center (KMAC) on Tuesday, 9/24. Topics discussed included:

  • Review of the Five Commitments

  • District Communications Overview

  • Development of Community Goals

As part of the district’s focus on teacher to student feedback, the parents on the committee were asked to consider the following questions prior to the next meeting in January:

  • What written feedback has your student received?

  • What types of written feedback have you received as a parent about your student’s learning?

  • What verbal feedback have you heard or your student shared?

  • Has your student shared anything about participating in feedback conferences?

Compliance Check: Mandated Units of Study (K - 12)

Each year, the department of Educational Services is required to complete an audit of mandated units of study that occur within the K - 12 setting. This is done during the first semester of the school year. Sarah and James will be working with building principals and, when necessary, contacting teachers directly regarding when and how certain required units occur. 

So that we are all on the same page, we are not looking for anything new. We are completing compliance work documenting that the units of study have been designed and embedded within the context of a class, course, unit, etc.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

IgKnight Conference Registration (ec - 12)

 The IgKnight conference is being held a KHS on 11/25. You will have opportunity to design your professional learning by registering for sessions on this day. Registration will open on October 1 at 6am. Please look for an email to sign-up for your IgKnight conference.  

Student Panel (EC-5)

 Today we has our second panel of the school year.  The following were student voices statements shared:

What types of feedback have you engaged in so far with your teacher?

The teacher shared that I am a pretty good student in her class

The teacher shared what I might do next in learning 

When I was younger it was a lot of good jobs and now it is more specific feedback on what I need to work on and changes to make

She gives me feedback on my writing and what to change

I learn what I do wrong or right in my work

My teacher shares how they care about me

My P.E. teacher shares tips on how to do better on skills

My teacher breaks down skills when I am struggling

My teacher uses positive statements

My teacher shared challenges and strengths

I get chances to share what I am doing well in my work and sharing why I think that is going well 

What types of feedback do you find beneficial to promote next steps in learning?

When I get feedback I take notes and I use that to remember what to do in learning 

I get feedback in small conference and it reminds me of my next steps

In math I get a worksheet and I get a harder worksheet when I am ready

I get the ability to select a harder content as I progress

I like to conference with the teacher, the teacher does not do the work for me I am in charge of the work

During WIN time the teacher checks in on my tasks and asks me questions to check on my progress

I am responsible for my learning 

My teacher helps when I do not know a word and he gives me help when I am stuck

I do like getting a checklist that I can be responsible to follow

Keep Connecting! (EC-12)

 It has been so exciting seeing all the puzzle connections this Fall.  Remember keep connecting with your peers across schools based on the puzzle piece you picked up the first day.  We have had 92 connections made across the district so far!  The Fall Semester RAFFLE is coming!!

Level of Connecting and Committing 


Evidence of Connection and Commitment

Raffle Entries if Completed

WAY: Who Are You- 1 entry 

There is always a “WAY” to make someone’s day!  Research and identify the person that holds the position you randomly selected.  Send them a note, email or quick text to make their day.  No response or interaction is needed, just a supportive message to them.

Submit who you connected with and sent a supportive message to and the job category they hold to Education Service Department   

WIL: What I Learned- 3 entries 

Where there is a “WIL” there is a way.  Email, text, call the person and share a bit about yourself and ask them about what they do for our students in Kaneland.  

Submit a WIL, what I learned from reflection that includes three things that you learned about the person and how they are committed to our students. To the Education Service Department 

WHY: We Hear You- 4 entries 

“WHY” not actively listen and learn from each other?. Connect and discuss your why with your randomly selected job category person. Create a visual or snap a picture together showing how your whys connect to each other.   

Submit your visual or picture to Education Service Department 

WWF: We Want Feedback- 5 entries 

Let’s get electrified with some feedback.  To earn 5 entries, you and the chosen partner will share a teaching video, lesson or go observe each other and use the feedback delivery table to co-construct feedback around learning for each other. 

Submit a summary of what one thing you may want to shift in your practice based on your peer’s feedback.

WIMS: Walk In My Shoes-6 entries 

On a “WIM” go and visit the randomly selected job category to see for yourself their job. Take a half day sub to shadow and observe in the person’s classroom or job area.  While you are there, consider how what they do daily connects to what you do.

Submit the date of your observation along with three things you learned during the observation to Educational Service Department

Curriculum Chat (KPASS)

 This week we held a STEM focused Curriculum Chat.  Thank you to all who were able to attend today.  The following was discussed:

-Upcoming changes to units of study may come out in January.  We will update as we hear more from the State and the ROE

-Impact Social Studies books should be out and updated with the correct journal numbers in schools

-Impact Social Studies will have virtual training options at IgKnight Conference

-More options to pilot math materials coming this winter

-Possible safety units of study coming later this year

-Options for parent teacher conferences, we will further discuss as a EAC discussion this school year

-Options for horizontal collaboration at IgKnight Conference

-IAR Pilot will be coming out in October, Sarah will let any schools know if they are selected

Next week's chat will be focused on KPASS ELA.  Here is the recurring link.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Math Norming Clock Hours (K-5)

 Recently the K-5 staff took part in a full day of professional development with embedded math scoring practice.  Due to the unique nature of the limited scoring time and heavy emphasis on professional development as part of the sessions, we were able to qualify the sessions for math norming as clock hour sessions through the new regulations for professional growth clock hours through the State of Illinois.  If you would like to claim clock hours for attending the math norming as clock hours in ELIS, you must sign in with the Instructional Coaches (see them at your school) and fill out the evaluation for your designated grade level listed below.  Thank you to all staff for engaging in high levels of discussion around math practices and professional development during these norming sessions.    



First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Writing Assessments K-5 (K-5)

 Please remember the writing process for this year has shifted and writing should be assessed at the end of each genre.  Pre-assessing writing may take place as part of the writer's workshop process, but is not required to be recorded formally.  Please take a moment to check out the writing assessment information shared here.  We have updated the assessment document to include frequently asked and answered questions.  Always remember we do use the Lucy Calkins Units of Study Tool for our Writing practices as well unless you have met with your Administrator and have exhibited proficiency on the writing delivery table and discussed other tools that work for your instruction.  It is an expectation that Writer's Workshop is the practice for all students in your classroom for writing this year.  If at any time you need support in writing practices please reach out to your Instructional Coach for support.     

Word Study Assessment Feedback Wanted (K-5)

 Word Study and Sight Word Assessments are new this school year for our K-5 students.  As you have assessed and used the assessments, please take a moment to reflect on the process of the assessment, the trends you see as you review the assessment, and the ideas you have to enhance or edit the assessment.  Take a moment in the next month to email Sarah Mumm if you have any suggested edits for the word study or sight word assessment process or assessment itself.  Edits will be collected in the Fall and Spring only the first year.  Please be sure to share your ideas this first year to have your shared voice in the assessment process.  The assessments were created by staff last year and will be editing with a staff committee later in the Spring.    

Feedback Audits Continue (EC-8)

 Feedback audits continue over the next three weeks.  The purpose and intent of the audits is to provide an outside perspective of any feedback that is shared with students around transition times and learning.  Anne Olsen conducts the feedback audits, but does not share any specific teacher, or grade level information with Administration about the audits.  The data collected during the audits that is shared is a summary of the levels (1-3 and 9 types) of feedback that are being shared and co-constructed in our learning environments in order for the district to help plan and provide professional development towards our "all in" feedback goal revolving around the nine types of feedback.  The audits should be in random classrooms at all K-8 schools for about 10-15 mins. If you have any questions at all about the audits please do not hesitate to reach out to James Horne or Sarah Mumm.  Audits are always non-evaluative.  Please note these are different than the learning walks that are conducted by the Department of Educational Service.

MTSS Coordinator Summary (K-5)

 This week the K-5 MTSS Coordinators met for the first formal meeting of the year!  The following is a summary of the meeting discussion:

-Review and discussion of assessment updates and procedures took place to check the data wall and current data collection procedures

-Discussion of MTSS Coordinator postion to support enhancement and acceleration of math progress

-Reminders that Coaches will not be attending all huddles in order for them to be able to meet with staff for coaching cycles, planning meetings, and Teacher check ins 

-The team took time to change a huddle date for KIPLA in March that conflicted with the Choralfest

-The team took time to review the needs of coverage in the escape room this Fall and discuss KDAB goal topics.  Kudos to all the hard work on KDAB this Fall!  Such great data goals being set and discussed by teams!

-CASEL data reflections were discussed with the Behavior Facilitators and options for PD for teams discussed

-Updates for the KIPLA check in and round huddles were discussed and planned for the year

-Pretest domains and totals to keep on the data wall were discussed and planned for the year, data walls will be updated.  The district will keep the pretest score based on the two required domains and the post test score based on all domains.

-ESGI testing windows for Fall were discussed.

-The team had a discussion to discuss what we would want an assessment platform to do for us and how we would want to use data to drive decision making for learning.  This will be a longer term analysis of our practices that we embark on over the next few years. 

-The team discussed adding sight words to the data wall this school year, but decided any time that an assessment is in the first year we will hold it on a different form until after the first year.  We will be asking for feedback on the initial assessment this Fall and into the Spring.  Be sure to take time to look for trends on your word study assessments for student progress and to guide your instruction. 

-The team shared an update on the dyslexia subgroup work.  The small group will be working more on the process this week.  

-The team continues to discuss the use of Fall Rigby and the need of finding the levels for Fall or starting with the Spring or Trimester 3 level to begin our reading groups.  We will continue to gather feedback on assessment practices for next year during the winter to set our practices for next year.

- The team discussed the need to cancel KDAB kick off and cancel for the Fall and discuss the data in Collaborative Inquiry due to being short at subs at a few schools.  In order to keep equal practices at all schools, we chose to cancel for this Fall and reassess our KDAB kick and culmination practice. 

-The team reviewed the expected reporting dates:

 Progress Report Dates: (AS NEEDED BASIS)

1st trimester - Friday, September 20, 2024

2nd trimester - Friday, December 13, 2024

3rd trimester - Friday, April 11, 2025

Report Card Dates (due/posted)

1st trimester-go live Friday, November 15, 2024 at 4:00 pm

Due in Infinite Campus by midnight on Wednesday, November 13, 2024

2nd trimester-go live Friday, February 21, 2025  at 4:00 pm

Due in Infinite Campus by midnight on Wednesday, February 19, 2025

3rd trimester- go live Wednesday, May 21, 2025 at 4:00 pm (TBD)

Due in Infinite Campus by midnight Monday, May 19, 2024


KDAB Sharing Chart (EC-5)

 We are so excited and proud of the initial KDAB discussions that are already happening across the schools.  We know all teams have met and are in the middle of stage 1 (data review) and 2 (setting a goal).  We wanted to begin to celebrate and share the areas of focus for our KDAB learning targets!  Please feel free to check out the amazing KDAB goals among our schools and reach out to each other and ask questions and share progress with each other.  Some of the best learning happens with your peers! Kudos to all our KDAB hard work!

Educator Advisory Council (EC-5)

 This week the Educator Advisory Council met for the monthly meeting for the school year.  The following were topics discussed.  Please be sure to check in with reps from EAC, listed below.  The reps will represent only those listed in the seat they are designated for this year.  

Joint Statement:

We are looking for members to represent Kindergarten/First (KST and KBK), EC and Exploratories (KSS/KME and KST/KBK)

We looked at projected goals for this year.  The team will be voting to approve our final goals for the year at the next meeting.  Final revisions of the goals will be sent out next month for the teams to review.  

We discussed Supply Lists vs. Increase Supply Fee Concept.  This is an initial conversation that the group will circle back to later in the school year.  All decisions will need to be made prior to February.  

We brainstormed SEL resources we already have in our community and what additional resources our students could benefit from in our communities. This will be taken to the Kaneland Connects Commitment Team. 


Staff Member

Grade span / Position Representing 

Pamela Hart

Teacher Leader 

Nancy Meisenger 

Teacher Leader 

Sarah Mumm

Admin Leader

Early Childhood

Maada Kosky

Kindergarten to First Grade KSS

McKenna Coovert

Kindergarten to First Grade KME

Kindergarten to First Grade KST

Kindergarten  to First Grade KBK

Katelyn Curry 

Second Grade to Third Grade KSS

Alexis Martin

Second Grade to Third Grade KME

Heidi Gilkey 

Second Grade to Third Grade KST

Courtney Hoffman 

Second Grade to Third Grade KBK

Annie Cantrell

Inspire KIPLA 

Taylor Setterlund 

Fourth Grade to Fifth Grade KSS

Anissa Becker 

Fourth Grade to Fifth Grade KME

Melanie Zack 

Fourth Grade to Fifth Grade KST

Tricia Nugara/Stone?

Fourth Grade to Fifth Grade KBK

Kelli Scardamaglia 

Special Education/Related Service  KSS 

Julia Boldt

Special Education/Related Service  KST 

Lauren Banbury 

Special Education/Related Service  KME 

Laura Emmert 

Special Education/Related Service KBK

Lisa Willard

Special Education/Related Service Flex Seat

Exploratory KSS or KME 

Exploratory KBK or KST

Cindy Babka

Teacher Flex Seat

David Argabright 

Teacher Flex Seat

Liz Orman 

Instructional Coach/MTSS/ Behavior Facilitator 

Kara Salto/Claire Lansford


Samantha Aversa/Keith Tankersley


Brian Zerfas/Claire Lansford


Courtney Ward/ Keith Tankersley 


Fran Eggleston


Martne McCoy


Laura Garland

Admin Flex Seat

Monday, September 16, 2024

Second Grade Math Assessment by Domain (2)

 New to the Math Assessment 2024-2025 in the Second Grade folder is the PDF version of the math test divided by domain.  Please note the title of the assessment if you are looking to print versions of the assessment for pre and post testing by domain.  

Learning Target Sharing (EC-12)

 Thank you to all who shared learning targets at the start of the school year.  Please remember to continue to build student clarity for our students all year long by co-constructing feedback through feedback conferences.  Clarity on the nine types of feedback and how to be more specific on the process of language used in feedback sharing with students all year long!  

Here are a few more targets shared by our staff on the first day:

1. To be recognized for the work we do as professional nurses!

2. To develop collaborative relationships with new staff and team members!

3. To increase knowledge and skills related to implementation of AAC with students.

4. Connect with more staff in the building I was move to last year!

5. Help all my students feel they matter! 

Free 1 Year NCTM Membership

The Kane County ROE is partnering with ICTM (Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics) to offer free one-year memberships for first time membersThe first 100 people to follow the steps and use the code below can get one-year of free access to the network of math resources and professional development opportunities. This opportunity is valid through October 1, 2024. 


  1. Complete the online membership form at
  2. Select an “Individual” one-year membership ($35 value)
  3. Complete the form and choose “credit card online” for the payment method
  4. Enter the discount code: ICTM@KANE##
  5. Receive your free one-year membership 

K-5 Writing Assessment and Practice Reminders (K-5)

 Just a reminder we are still using as the emphasis tool in writing, Kaneland is using the Lucy Calkins Units of Study for our practices.  We have updated the current writing assessment guidelines to include a frequently asked and answered questions section based on things that have come up this Fall.  Please check out this document to refresh our assessment and instructional delivery practices in writing.