Tuesday, September 17, 2024

MTSS Coordinator Summary (K-5)

 This week the K-5 MTSS Coordinators met for the first formal meeting of the year!  The following is a summary of the meeting discussion:

-Review and discussion of assessment updates and procedures took place to check the data wall and current data collection procedures

-Discussion of MTSS Coordinator postion to support enhancement and acceleration of math progress

-Reminders that Coaches will not be attending all huddles in order for them to be able to meet with staff for coaching cycles, planning meetings, and Teacher check ins 

-The team took time to change a huddle date for KIPLA in March that conflicted with the Choralfest

-The team took time to review the needs of coverage in the escape room this Fall and discuss KDAB goal topics.  Kudos to all the hard work on KDAB this Fall!  Such great data goals being set and discussed by teams!

-CASEL data reflections were discussed with the Behavior Facilitators and options for PD for teams discussed

-Updates for the KIPLA check in and round huddles were discussed and planned for the year

-Pretest domains and totals to keep on the data wall were discussed and planned for the year, data walls will be updated.  The district will keep the pretest score based on the two required domains and the post test score based on all domains.

-ESGI testing windows for Fall were discussed.

-The team had a discussion to discuss what we would want an assessment platform to do for us and how we would want to use data to drive decision making for learning.  This will be a longer term analysis of our practices that we embark on over the next few years. 

-The team discussed adding sight words to the data wall this school year, but decided any time that an assessment is in the first year we will hold it on a different form until after the first year.  We will be asking for feedback on the initial assessment this Fall and into the Spring.  Be sure to take time to look for trends on your word study assessments for student progress and to guide your instruction. 

-The team shared an update on the dyslexia subgroup work.  The small group will be working more on the process this week.  

-The team continues to discuss the use of Fall Rigby and the need of finding the levels for Fall or starting with the Spring or Trimester 3 level to begin our reading groups.  We will continue to gather feedback on assessment practices for next year during the winter to set our practices for next year.

- The team discussed the need to cancel KDAB kick off and cancel for the Fall and discuss the data in Collaborative Inquiry due to being short at subs at a few schools.  In order to keep equal practices at all schools, we chose to cancel for this Fall and reassess our KDAB kick and culmination practice. 

-The team reviewed the expected reporting dates:

 Progress Report Dates: (AS NEEDED BASIS)

1st trimester - Friday, September 20, 2024

2nd trimester - Friday, December 13, 2024

3rd trimester - Friday, April 11, 2025

Report Card Dates (due/posted)

1st trimester-go live Friday, November 15, 2024 at 4:00 pm

Due in Infinite Campus by midnight on Wednesday, November 13, 2024

2nd trimester-go live Friday, February 21, 2025  at 4:00 pm

Due in Infinite Campus by midnight on Wednesday, February 19, 2025

3rd trimester- go live Wednesday, May 21, 2025 at 4:00 pm (TBD)

Due in Infinite Campus by midnight Monday, May 19, 2024


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