Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Student Panels (ec - 5)

 Administration has the opportunity to have our first student panel.  We asked them to reflect on back to school and possible suggestions for what to change.  Here were the student statements shared: 

K-5 Student Panel Feedback:

-Good back to school process

-Loved to meet my new teacher

-Great because I was able to 

-I loved to see my new friends and see my Teacher

-Our teachers are really nice and I am excited to meet new friends

-I like school because I can make new friends from preschool and get new teacher

-I love I-Ready

-I love playing capture this in PE

-I like all the subjects and the variety of this we get to do

-I get to do crafts to get to know each other

-I like switching classes

-I love having two recesses every day!

-I love the brain bins and we get to do lots of great activities

-We would like to start later in the year, maybe after Elburn Days!

-I love chaos!

-It is a bit of a time crunch in math so I would like more time in that subject

-I would like more recess and active time and a volleyball net

Second Grade Curriculum Chat (2)

 Thank you for all who were able to attend the optional Curriculum Chat this week.  Here were a few topics covered during the session.  

-Math pilot update and Second grade participants

-Possible further math test edtis

-Impact Social Studies Inquiry Journals

Next week's chat will be focused on 3rd grade.  Here is the recurring link.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Educational Service Department Learning Walk Follow Up (EC-12)

 Last week was the first learning walk days conducted by the Department of Educational Service of the year.  Thank you to all staff who opened their classroom to have us visit.  We were so excited to see learning in action.  It was impressive to see all of the student routines in learning so well established and learning well underway with our students.  The following levels of feedback were observed across our schools.  

Level one:  20% of the walks included level one feedback including approval or correction examples.  The following were a few examples:

Correct, those are examples of living things.

You are doing a great job having your materials ready for learning today.

Good job buddy, you came ready to learn.

Level two: 60% of the walks included level two feedback including attribution, evaluation, or assessment examples.  The following were a few examples:

You have a math mind the way you think about problems all around us.

Can you share how you are editing your plan of what to study tonight to best be prepared for the assessment tomorrow?

What makes you sad about learning?

Why is this learning important?

Level three:  20% of the walks included level three feedback including analysis and construction.  The following are examples observed:

What did you notice about the letters that might lead you to share with your team ideas that might change your plan for your project?

What did you learn about yourself that might inform how you will change your approach next time?



Aurora University Programs (Ec - 12)

The Department of Educational Services is currently investigating programs that would offer additional licensure to Kaneland employees. If we were to run a program through Aurora University, there is the potential to do so at a discounted tuition rate. To help with this investigation, we need some input from you. If you are interested in adding to your credentials course work that enables you to teach one of the following:

  • LBS1 (special education)


  • Principal prep / administration

  • Initial teaching licensure (for those not already licensed)

  • MA courses to earn the ability to teach Dual Credit courses

Please use the following link to provide us with additional information.

KIPLA High School Expansion Virtual Presentation


Institute 4 PL: Updated Honeycomb Model


The I4PL (Institute for Personalized Learning) updated their Honeycomb Model in 2023 to further reflect learning as an autonomous process, driven by an empowered learner. They also have created new resources for member districts. Check out the two below!

1. Interactive Honeycomb- Click on any cell to get access to a plethora of related resources.

2. Honeycomb Progressions- Provides descriptions of each element as it relates to legacy and learner-centered instruction. 


Monday, September 2, 2024

SIP Goals Due October 1 (EC-12)

 The district all in goal focus is feedback.  For any staff member wanting to use the feedback goal for their evaluation please feel free to use the following information for your student growth goal forms.  Final data will be shared in the blog next week with Fall data points after the data is full collected by Friday.  

GOAL:  Co-Constructed Potent Feedback Implementation

By the end of February 2025, the district will move 25% in student self-reported feedback to a higher level within the feedback topology  as compared to the pre-data from the April 2024 survey. (Commitment Connection PBP, and Personalized Learning Tenet G). 

Unsatisfactory: Increase in level 1 percent  

Needs Improvement:  Less than 20% growth, but no regression

Proficient:   21% to 25% movement by 1 or more levels

Distinguished:  26% movement by 1 or more levels

Please remind all students to take the Student fall surveys linked below by Thursday at 3pm.

3rd to 12th grade Student Feedback Survey

K-2 Google Form

K-2 Survey to Print

Joint Barnes and Noble Book Fair (K-8)

 Save the date for the annual Kaneland Elementary School and KIPLA book fair at Barnes and Noble on September 19th!!  We are excited to Fall into Reading and celebrate together!  Our schools could earn up to 15% on anything purchased in store!!!  Great time to get early holiday gifts, workbooks, family games, or a coffee and snack!!!  Kaneland staff will be onsite reading throughout the night!  Join us September 19th at Barnes and Noble Geneva!  We will also have a station to “Leaf” a Compliment for Your Teacher where students can write a  note to a favorite staff member.  Fundraising benefits all five schools libraries with books, games and Lego sets!  Enjoy a family Knight Out in Geneva Commons as well and have dinner at any of these spots and support your local schools as well:

Support John Stewart fundraising and have dinner at NOODLES & COMPANY!

Support the Blackberry Creek Readathon and Come and pick out books for the event!

Support Harter Middle School and Stop and Eat at OPEN RANGE on your way!

Join the fun and come support your fellow staff members or come out and read, sing, dance or do a craft too by signing up with Dr. Mumm at for a timeslot. The students and families would LOVE to see you too! We still have open time slots between 6:20 and 7:00!

Come visit with the Knight 4:30-5:00 4:00 Storytime with Mrs. Garland 4:20 Storytime with Mrs. Landsford from McDole and John Shields 4:40 Sidewalk Chalk Time with Mrs. Salto from John Stewart and John Shields 5:00 Sing with Mr. Fox from Blackberry Creek 5:20 Meet and Greet with Kaneland’s Next Superintendent Dr. Kurt Rohlwing 5:40 Craft with Mrs. Avesa from John Stewart 6:00 Storytime with Dr. Mance from McDole School

Educator Advisory Council (EC-5)

 The Educator Advisory Council (EAC) will begin their monthly work this month on September 16th at 4:00 at HMS 7th grade team room.  We are excited to begin our shared decision and discussion monthly meetings.  We are still looking for the following seats to be filled:

 Early Childhood

Kindergarten to First Grade KSS

Kindergarten to First Grade KST

Kindergarten  to First Grade KBK

Exploratory KSS or KME 

Exploratory KBK or KST

If you have an interest in becoming an EAC member please contact any of the co-chairs:  Sarah Mumm, Nancy Meisenger or Pam Hart.  

Feedback Connections (EC-12)

 As we move into our second month of learning, let's remember our focus on making connections among our staff.  The very first day all staff picked up a puzzle piece.  There are so many ways to reach out and make connections and you can win prizes if you do.  Please check the back of your puzzle piece and look at the job category.  Contact any staff member with that job category and connect with them in any of the below listed ways.  Then email Dr. Horne or Dr. Mumm sharing how you connected and you and the other staff member will BOTH be entered into the HUGE raffle this semester! Trust us you will want to be part of this amazing raffle!  We have already had 23 connections made this fall!  Keep up the connections!  You can also win an immediate prize if you find the 9 people and that help complete your full puzzle and solve the Kaneland motto written on your puzzle!  Good luck!  

WAY: Who Are You

There is always a “WAY” to make someone’s day!  Research and identify the person that holds the position you randomly selected.  Send them a note, email or quick text to make their day.  No response or interaction is needed, just a supportive message to them.

Submit who you connected with and sent a supportive message to and the job category they hold to Education Service Department 

1 entry 

WIL: What I Learned

Where there is a “WIL” there is a way.  Email, text, call the person and share a bit about yourself and ask them about what they do for our students in Kaneland.  

Submit a WIL, what I learned from reflection that includes three things that you learned about the person and how they are committed to our students. To the Education Service Department 

3 entries 

WHY: We Hear You 

“WHY” not actively listen and learn from each other?. Connect and discuss your why with your randomly selected job category person. Create a visual or snap a picture together showing how your whys connect to each other.   

Submit your visual or picture to Education Service Department 

4 entries 

WWF: We Want Feedback

Let’s get electrified with some feedback.  To earn 5 entries, you and the chosen partner will share a teaching video, lesson or go observe each other and use the feedback delivery table to co-construct feedback around learning for each other. 

Submit a summary of what one thing you may want to shift in your practice based on your peer’s feedback.

5 entries 

WIMS: Walk In My Shoes

On a “WIM” go and visit the randomly selected job category to see for yourself their job. Take a half day sub to shadow and observe in the person’s classroom or job area.  While you are there, consider how what they do daily connects to what you do.

Submit the date of your observation along with three things you learned during the observation to Educational Service Department

6 entries