Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Final K-5 Student Voice Panel

 We had the pleasure to hold our last student voice panel this week at K-5 CHESS.  We asked them to reflect on their year and make suggestions for the future.  We loved hearing their feedback.  Here were some of the things they shared:

The year has been really good, I have learned a lot

My teacher influenced us to reading more and love reading

The reading challenge was great to push our reading

I would like to see more students listening to the teacher while they are talking

I would like to see further advancement in learning, if you are proficient you need the ability to move on faster

Use small groups to advance you learning more in the future

Math I would like to see more challenges and advanced learning opportunities 

Maybe leveled or flexible group math classes

I would love to be part of a classroom that you can choose what and when to learn

I have grown by having better spaces in my writing

In math I have learned tons of multiplication 

In reading I used to read graphic novels, which I love, but I am also now reading a really thick fiction book

I have grown a lot as a reader, I thought reading was a waste of time but now I love it

I have grown in my passion of Science

KUDOS to Kaneland

 WOW!  Here we are at the last Curriculum Connection blog for the year!  What a year it has been!  Here are just a few memories!  We know there are 1000s more out there but we wanted to capture our gratitude with a few!

-The first ever hot no school days was new for all of us

-Kudos to the staff for doing an amazing job with multiple e-learning days this year.  98% attendance for most was unbelievable!

-Kudos to ELL staff, we had 13 students exit with the ACCESS test this year!

-Kudos to the staff at KIPLA who took a risk and opened a different learning structure for students.  It was a roller coaster but you crushed it!

-Kudos to the School SIP goals this year!  There was TONS of exciting progress made and we are eager to share our celebrations with the BOE in June!

-Kudos to the Behavior Facilitators for a parent support video series like no other!  Truly professionally done!

-Kudos to MTSS Staff for the increased use in various co-teaching models created based on the students' needs!  Impressive how responsive to students' our learning structure are!

-Kudos to our retirees for serving our community for a collective total nearing 170 years!

-Kudos to our Review Committees for very detailed work in Social Science this year!

-Kudos to our SPED and GEN Ed teams that are collaborating around eligibility, behavior processes and the development of a dyslexia screener! Amazing conversations this year.

-Kudos to all staff that are making this final week so fun, from inflatable teacher races to games to basket competitions, it is exciting to see all the updates of how you make learning and growing together memorable! 

-A final Kudos to my partner in crime in Educational Service.  It has been an adventure like no other Patrick, you will be missed! 

We truly hope you have the best summer possible!  Thank you to everyone for all you have done for our community this year!  Take time to relax, rejuvenate, and enjoy!  See you in August!   


Monday, May 20, 2024

Lucky Duck Spring Raffle Winner!

 Thank you to all for hunting all year and finding your matches for the very first day.  Our Principal of the Day at KIPLA was able to make the final pick of the winning pair!  The winners of the Spring raffle are....

Stephanie Unger AND Judy Franck!!!!!  

A lucky duck basket is on its way to you! 

Mini Duck Hunt Winner

 Thank you to the hundreds of mini ducks that have been found!  Our Principal for the Day randomly pulled out the winning hunter and it was.....Dan Poncek!!!!  Your Golden Egg prize is on its way!

Summer PD Sign Up Reminder

The June sessions for PD have been confirmed with all who signed up.  If you were unable to sign up please feel free to register this week for any coming in June that have the sign up for.  We did need to cancel a few due to low enrollment. We will send staff July confirmations for PD sessions around the 15th of June.  Please note some sessions may be cancelled due to low enrollment as well.  Always check your email before driving into a PD session in July.  Please be sure when attending any PD session, you have your IEIN number with you in order to sign in and out of the session.  We look forward to a great summer of learning!  

K-5 MTSS Coordinator Meeting Summary

 This week the MTSS Coordinators met with the Educational Service Department.  The following were the topics covered:

-Lots of planning for next year structures, data walls, assessments, and schedules was started. The team will further meet later this week to continue the planning and creation of a MTSS guidelines 2024-2025 edition for any revised changes to the MTSS structure.  We will also create next year's data hub and data wall later this week.  

-The team met with Special Services to discuss the use of assessments for eligibility.  We have agreed to have a few joint meetings next year to compare MAPS with I-Ready and jointly complete an assessment audit of our local assessments to ensure all staff are using the assessments for eligibility with fidelity.

-The team met with Instructional Coaches to review the new assessment structure for next year in writing, word study and sight words.  We jointly agreed some edits that will be further discussed with staff when they return in the Fall. 

-The team discussed the process of reporting students that are Teacher reported beyond W for our data comparisons to give a better view of all learning progress.

-The team began to plan out assessment dates and the process of Fall Rigby with the new agreed upon structure for Rigby assessment.  All Rigby will be completed this Fall on August 15th and 16th. 

-We are excited to have guided reading with balanced literacy for Kindergarten by the first week in October and for grades 1st to 5th grade by September 3rd.  

-The team discussed the NIU research project regarding our data comparisons.  We also discussed the support for KIPLA next year through structure tasks and dates. 

-Finally, the team set a few follow up meetings to work on the hubs walls and and further revisions to RFAF.  

Kudos to Shaun, Chris, Rob, and Kristi for the LONGEST meeting of the year with lots of content and staying engaged and connected the entire day!  The four of you are a true asset to our schools and MTSS!  Thank you for all your hard work this year !