Friday, September 23, 2022

EAC EC-5 Call for Members

 This month EAC EC-5 is looking to fill and get more shared decision making voices on our council.  This council is the main discussion and decision making body for our Elementary Schools.  It is essential to have all schools and grade levels as part of the process in discussion.  We are still in need of a few seats to be sure all voices are heard.  If you have an interest please contact Sarah Mumm, Rob Gardner or Cindy Babich to become a member.  The following are categories and seats that we are still in need of:


Special Education and Related Service

KSS Staff Members

Learning Continuum Survey for Students

 Hi All-

We are going to be sharing a survey with our students beginning October 3rd to gather some feedback on their learning experiences. 

The window for the survey will be active from October 3rd-14th. Please promote during SEL/homeroom time for students to take this survey. It is short and sweet (3 questions!) and will help us to identify the types of learning experiences that students are engaging in at this time of year. 

The link to the survey can be FOUND HERE. Please let Ed Services know if you have any questions. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

9-12 Leadership Team/Ed Service Joint Statement

 Ed Services held its monthly meeting with the high school leadership team. The following topics were discussed. Please contact your department chair or the Ed Services Department with any further questions. 

-Academy 3.0: The timeline will be extended until May of 2024. Additionally, we will look for times and opportunities (through coaches, PD, or an invitation to KLC times) to discuss evidence collection and ideas for how to demonstrate proficiency in each of the 10 core tenets. Please look for more information in the next few weeks of what this may look like through the coaches or through Canvas. Please note that staff will have IgKnight ('22 and '23), Kane County Day ('22 and '23), paid summer time, WIN time through the next two years to complete these tasks. 

-Laura Garland shared an update on personalized learning. Please look for information from your department chairs on opportunities to serve a high school-specific role in developing how PL will be brought further to life at KHS. 

6-8 EAC Joint Statement

 Harter Middle School EAC team met for the first time last Thursday. The following topics were discussed:

-EAC Goal Setting- the following will be the focus goal areas for this year:

Core values discussion, PBP tables and how/when to use, SBG, curriculum resources and access (maps, scope/sequence/required units of study), MS/HS articulation, and curriculum

-Dissemination Structures:

The joint statement for EAC will be shared the following Wednesday in the Curriculum Connection blog and will be posted in the BLT notes for team leaders to share. It is the expectation that these joint statements will be read by individual staff members through one of these two avenues. Any questions can then be directed to a member of the EAC committee for further clarification. 

-Academy 3.0 Discussion
We have extended the timeline through the end of next year and will have several district dates that will allow for completion of some of these tasks- IgKnight ('22 and '23), Kane County Day ('22 and '23), paid summer time, WIN time through the next two years. We will also be working with the instructional coaches to offer monthly PD on each core tenet.

If you have further questions after reading through the joint statement, please contact your EAC team member: Rachel Rebsom, Suzanne Satterfield, Bradley Staker, Kendall Lawson, Suzanne Satterfield, Alyssa Galvan, Elsa Glover, or Patti Patterman. 

6-12 Science Curriculum Joint Statement

 The District-wide Science review team met to kick off the start of our Science Review. Below are the joint statements for each team.

6-8 Joint Statement

The team met to look at our current practices and units of study. Time was spent collaborating with the 9-12 team to discuss what is covered at the middle school and what is covered at the high school. As we build our tables in the months to come, we will continue to look for ways to align these units when possible. Our next steps will be looking at the distribution of content directly linked to the NGSS standards as well as looking for formative tools to help support instruction. Our need meeting will be the week of October 17th. 

9-12 Joint Statement

The 9-12 Science Curriculum Review committee met Monday, 9/19 at Meredith. After many discussions determined that some adjustments will be made for our future pathways for our students in science. Two pathways are being outlined based on Life Sciences & Physical Sciences. Any further questions can be directed to Patrick Raleigh or Carri Oslager.

Personalized Learning 3.0 Evidence Chart

 In order to help kick start your work on the 10 core elements of personalized learning, we have created an evidence chart for each of the tenants to show the minimum number of evidence needed to complete the task and be ready for a feedback conference with Educational Service Department.  Please use this link when you have 2 evidence sets ready to check on your progress.  We look forward to the discussions and conversations on student learning progress.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Pathways to Advocacy

 As we begin to settle in this Fall, we wanted to take a moment to share the pathways for advocacy concept with all staff to share with students.  It is essential that students know what advocacy is and the options for how they access support or share their needs.  Here are a few pathways for students to begin their advocacy journey:

-Share through the learner profile unique learning needs and suggestions

-Discuss with a Teacher options for best learning options and environments

-Discuss with a peer how to best support each other

-Share with parents or guardians how you learn best the and needs for your learning progress

-Ask Teachers for a learning feedback conference to check progress on learning

-Find a trusted adult in your school, may not be your assigned teacher, to share learning progress and needs

Monday, September 19, 2022

EAC EC-5 Joint Statement

 Today the Educator Advisory Council met for the first monthly meeting of the 2022-23 school year.  The following were topics discussed:  

  • The council discussed structure, location and goals.  The council will meet monthly and the in person meetings will be held at  Harter Middle School 7th grade team room.  All guests are welcome to join in each month as well.  The goals for this year were brainstormed and the follow will be areas of focus:

    • Review of Core value PBP tables and the use of PBP tables for SBG practices 

    • Planning Science (drafted today) and Social Science PBP work days

    • Final behavior screener

    • PL 3.0 Evidence Brainstorm

    • Learner Profile Progress and in Practice

    • Priority reported standards identification (October) 

    • NIU RITE PD Barriers work

    • MTSS review structures and shifts

    • Co-teaching practices with MTSS and SPED

    • Shouts and Celebrations

  • The council took time to review the roll out of the revised learner profile and share celebrations, feedback and suggestions.  

  • The council also discussed and began to review the reported standards for ELA and Math and identify the top 3-5 ones that are most important for learning progress to focus on during summer school. 

  • The council also discussed Personalized Learning 3.0 and options for evidence sharing.  The team looked at the options for mapping out the plan to complete the 10 tenants in the next year and a half.  The deadline has been extended to May 2024.  We will be sharing evidence examples to share through the blog, EAC reps and other communication sharing. Evidence can take a variety of forms including:  learning walk forms from Admin or Coaches, observation notes from a peer visiting your classroom, notes from a team meeting, notes from a coaching cycle, student work video or sample, lesson outlines or plans, assessment data, and many more types.  Please note the reflection is meant to be a quick written reflection, oral conversation with educational Services, email, or google doc.  Reflections are meaningful but not lengthy and why did you make the learning decision and how can you continue it as a practice. Everyone will have over 17 hours of contract time over the course of the SIP and Institute Days to reflect on the work. The  work can be done with a team or partner as well and only takes 1 or 2 evidence pieces per tenant.  If your team or building would like a Q and A on how the evidence and tenants of Personalized Learning 3.0 Educational Service would be happy to come out or meet, please contact Sarah Mumm to set up a meeting. 

Please feel free to follow up with your EAC rep for any further information.  

K-5 Science Review Joint Statement

 Today the Science Committee K-12 met to kick off the curriculum review cycle.  The K-5 staff took time to first review NGSS Standards and created a Science Course outline.  This includes units of study and NGSS Standards.  The team also took a deep dive into the Science and Engineering Practices and Disciplinary Core Ideas sections to create reported standards and proficiency tables.  The team determined that the reported and assessed standards should be global inquiry science practices and not specific to the unit of study.  The proficiency tables should be used with all Science units of study and across the units. Proficiency may be observed in any and all units within learning. 

At this time the committee is looking for feedback on the outline, proficiency tables, and additional members.  Please have your voice heard by sharing any and all feedback with Sarah Mumm at on the outline, tables or to join our amazing group of educators reviewing Science this year!  Send all feedback and membership options to Sarah by October 3rd.  

Please remember decisions made this year will remain our practices in Science for the next 5-8 years and all staff will be held accountable to the team decisions.  At this time we do not have a representative from KSS, Second Grade, or Kindergarten.  We would love to expand and include voices from all schools and grades (snacks are always provided). 

Reading Continuum for K-5

 We are very excited to share the reading continuum for K-5.  A small group of staff have been working on building of this continuum over the past few years.  This past summer the document was also edited and vetted by a larger staff group.  While it is not a perfect document, it is a well-thought out continuum of learning for reading.  We encourage all staff to use this document for customized paths in learning and guided reading group progress.  We do know that as you use proficiency tables for reading more and more each day there may be some suggested edits to the continuum or tables.  Any edits should shared with Sarah Mumm and the EAC or PBP review group will decide final edits at the end of the school year.  Please do not edit tables or the continuum mid-year until all schools have had a voice in the edit process.  Please feel free to share any thoughts and feedback with Sarah Mumm at  We hope you enjoy seeing the connections in reading among the grade levels.  

K-5 Reading Continuum