Harter Middle School EAC team met for the first time last Thursday. The following topics were discussed:
-EAC Goal Setting- the following will be the focus goal areas for this year:
Core values discussion, PBP tables and how/when to use, SBG, curriculum resources and access (maps, scope/sequence/required units of study), MS/HS articulation, and curriculum
-Dissemination Structures:
The joint statement for EAC will be shared the following Wednesday in the Curriculum Connection blog and will be posted in the BLT notes for team leaders to share. It is the expectation that these joint statements will be read by individual staff members through one of these two avenues. Any questions can then be directed to a member of the EAC committee for further clarification.
-Academy 3.0 Discussion
We have extended the timeline through the end of next year and will have several district dates that will allow for completion of some of these tasks- IgKnight ('22 and '23), Kane County Day ('22 and '23), paid summer time, WIN time through the next two years. We will also be working with the instructional coaches to offer monthly PD on each core tenet.
If you have further questions after reading through the joint statement, please contact your EAC team member: Rachel Rebsom, Suzanne Satterfield, Bradley Staker, Kendall Lawson, Suzanne Satterfield, Alyssa Galvan, Elsa Glover, or Patti Patterman.