Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Final K-5 Student Voice Panel

 We had the pleasure to hold our last student voice panel this week at K-5 CHESS.  We asked them to reflect on their year and make suggestions for the future.  We loved hearing their feedback.  Here were some of the things they shared:

The year has been really good, I have learned a lot

My teacher influenced us to reading more and love reading

The reading challenge was great to push our reading

I would like to see more students listening to the teacher while they are talking

I would like to see further advancement in learning, if you are proficient you need the ability to move on faster

Use small groups to advance you learning more in the future

Math I would like to see more challenges and advanced learning opportunities 

Maybe leveled or flexible group math classes

I would love to be part of a classroom that you can choose what and when to learn

I have grown by having better spaces in my writing

In math I have learned tons of multiplication 

In reading I used to read graphic novels, which I love, but I am also now reading a really thick fiction book

I have grown a lot as a reader, I thought reading was a waste of time but now I love it

I have grown in my passion of Science

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