Monday, September 2, 2024

SIP Goals Due October 1 (EC-12)

 The district all in goal focus is feedback.  For any staff member wanting to use the feedback goal for their evaluation please feel free to use the following information for your student growth goal forms.  Final data will be shared in the blog next week with Fall data points after the data is full collected by Friday.  

GOAL:  Co-Constructed Potent Feedback Implementation

By the end of February 2025, the district will move 25% in student self-reported feedback to a higher level within the feedback topology  as compared to the pre-data from the April 2024 survey. (Commitment Connection PBP, and Personalized Learning Tenet G). 

Unsatisfactory: Increase in level 1 percent  

Needs Improvement:  Less than 20% growth, but no regression

Proficient:   21% to 25% movement by 1 or more levels

Distinguished:  26% movement by 1 or more levels

Please remind all students to take the Student fall surveys linked below by Thursday at 3pm.

3rd to 12th grade Student Feedback Survey

K-2 Google Form

K-2 Survey to Print

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