Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Student Panels (ec - 5)

 Administration has the opportunity to have our first student panel.  We asked them to reflect on back to school and possible suggestions for what to change.  Here were the student statements shared: 

K-5 Student Panel Feedback:

-Good back to school process

-Loved to meet my new teacher

-Great because I was able to 

-I loved to see my new friends and see my Teacher

-Our teachers are really nice and I am excited to meet new friends

-I like school because I can make new friends from preschool and get new teacher

-I love I-Ready

-I love playing capture this in PE

-I like all the subjects and the variety of this we get to do

-I get to do crafts to get to know each other

-I like switching classes

-I love having two recesses every day!

-I love the brain bins and we get to do lots of great activities

-We would like to start later in the year, maybe after Elburn Days!

-I love chaos!

-It is a bit of a time crunch in math so I would like more time in that subject

-I would like more recess and active time and a volleyball net

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