Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Educator Advisory Council (EC-5)

 This week the Educator Advisory Council met for the monthly meeting for the school year.  The following were topics discussed.  Please be sure to check in with reps from EAC, listed below.  The reps will represent only those listed in the seat they are designated for this year.  

Joint Statement:

We are looking for members to represent Kindergarten/First (KST and KBK), EC and Exploratories (KSS/KME and KST/KBK)

We looked at projected goals for this year.  The team will be voting to approve our final goals for the year at the next meeting.  Final revisions of the goals will be sent out next month for the teams to review.  

We discussed Supply Lists vs. Increase Supply Fee Concept.  This is an initial conversation that the group will circle back to later in the school year.  All decisions will need to be made prior to February.  

We brainstormed SEL resources we already have in our community and what additional resources our students could benefit from in our communities. This will be taken to the Kaneland Connects Commitment Team. 


Staff Member

Grade span / Position Representing 

Pamela Hart

Teacher Leader 

Nancy Meisenger 

Teacher Leader 

Sarah Mumm

Admin Leader

Early Childhood

Maada Kosky

Kindergarten to First Grade KSS

McKenna Coovert

Kindergarten to First Grade KME

Kindergarten to First Grade KST

Kindergarten  to First Grade KBK

Katelyn Curry 

Second Grade to Third Grade KSS

Alexis Martin

Second Grade to Third Grade KME

Heidi Gilkey 

Second Grade to Third Grade KST

Courtney Hoffman 

Second Grade to Third Grade KBK

Annie Cantrell

Inspire KIPLA 

Taylor Setterlund 

Fourth Grade to Fifth Grade KSS

Anissa Becker 

Fourth Grade to Fifth Grade KME

Melanie Zack 

Fourth Grade to Fifth Grade KST

Tricia Nugara/Stone?

Fourth Grade to Fifth Grade KBK

Kelli Scardamaglia 

Special Education/Related Service  KSS 

Julia Boldt

Special Education/Related Service  KST 

Lauren Banbury 

Special Education/Related Service  KME 

Laura Emmert 

Special Education/Related Service KBK

Lisa Willard

Special Education/Related Service Flex Seat

Exploratory KSS or KME 

Exploratory KBK or KST

Cindy Babka

Teacher Flex Seat

David Argabright 

Teacher Flex Seat

Liz Orman 

Instructional Coach/MTSS/ Behavior Facilitator 

Kara Salto/Claire Lansford


Samantha Aversa/Keith Tankersley


Brian Zerfas/Claire Lansford


Courtney Ward/ Keith Tankersley 


Fran Eggleston


Martne McCoy


Laura Garland

Admin Flex Seat

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