Monday, August 26, 2024

Feedback Audits Starting Soon (K-8)

 As part of our district SIP goal we will have Anne Olsen (former Kaneland staff member and now consultant) conducting feedback audits over the next month in our schools.  She will be stopping by classrooms and watching learning while listening for the 9 types of feedback among teacher to student and student to student discussion.  The purpose of the audit is to collect data on the types of feedback constructed and co-constructed with our student to share as part of our action plans and prepare professional devleopment next steps for the district goal.  We are excited to observe the amazing discussions and conversations happening in our learning classrooms.  Please see the schedule below as well as the linked audit form that will be used.  If you have any questions at all do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Horne or Dr. Mumm.  

  • Feedback Audit  

  • K-5 Feedback Audits will begin around 9:15

  • HMS Feedback Audits will begin around 8:00

  • 9/3 to 9/10 KME and KBK Feedback Audits

  • 9/12 to 9/20 KIPLA and KSS Feedback Audits

  • 9/23 to 9/27 KST and start of HMS Audits

  • 9/30 to 10/4 Finish HMS Audits

Starting this week the Department of Educational Service will also be out on monthly learning walks at all schools. While learning walks are just meant to engage and observe classroom learning and differnt than audits, we wanted to share we will begin this week.

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