Today, the Math Curriculum Review team met for and the following key tasks were discussed and accomplished:
The team reviewed all data sets from the 2-28 Vendor Showcase and shared openly feedback from classroom use, vendor meetings and material review.
The team collaborated through a google meets with Burlington School District to hear their feedback on their math review pilot and use of I-Ready.
Grade level teams met and began to brainstorm professional development topics in math to focus on for next year. These topics will be shared with Instructional Coaches and the Educational Service Department for planning.
The team decided to move forward with the following two programs: Imagine Learning and I-Ready.
The team will be meeting again on April 16 in the PM for final decision making. The process for collecting feedback for the final math tool will be a survey for any staff member that has taught any of the final pilot programs that will be sent April 7th. Math committee members will be coming to final consensus (or 85% majority) on April 16th, it is essential that you are present for this final meeting.
Thank you to all members and pilot teachers for engaging and sharing today. This process has been a collaborative process and decisions are not easy. Your time that has been dedicated to this process is appreciated!
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