Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Information for November 21st

Hello all!

With all the buzz surrounding IGKNIGHT, it is easy to overlook the importance of our scheduled cohort time on Tuesday, November 21st!  Fresh off of the previous day's learning, though, we are hopeful that the time you all spend together on Tuesday will be just as meaningful and rewarding.

Cohort time is scheduled from 8-11 Tuesday morning.  Locations for some of the meetings have been predetermined (see the chart below) whereas meetings that are not outlined below can be located wherever is best for the group.

This year, we wanted to focus on creating spaces for conversations to happen around those key transitional years for our students.  Building administration and leaders are helping to organize staff into groups that will come together to discuss their role in supporting students through these transitions.  Our major goals for the day are to begin building some relationships within these groups and then leveraging those relationships into conversations about expectations for our students at the various levels.

Social Studies K-12
KMS Rooms 52 & 54
Art K-12
KMS Room 47
5-6th (Soft Skills)
KMS Room 51
5-6th ELA
KMS Room 48
5-6th STEM
KMS Room 50
Music K-12
KMS Room 49
K-12 Technology
KMS Room 46
6-12 Building Trades
K-5 Critical Thinking
K-12 PE
KMS Room 44
8-9 English
8-9 Math
8-9 Science
6-12 Spanish/French
KHS A105
K-12 SEL
K-12 Career & College Knowledge
KMS Room 45
Nursing Staff
DO Conference Room
ELL staff

Some of you have volunteered to be facilitators of these transitional meetings.  If you would like to facilitate, please reach out to Mike or Sarah to share your interest.  We will host a brief meeting after IGKNIGHT on 11/20 in the Meredith Middle School LRC at 3:15 to discuss the role of facilitators.  Facilitators will be compensated for their time at this meeting.

While some of you will be attending these transitional meetings, others will be able to form their own groups to pursue interests and passions that there may not always be time to pursue in our daily work.  The concept behind these groupings is meant to be space for those "meetings that never happen but we wish they would!"  If you are creating forming your own meeting, please keep the guidelines below in mind:

Option A:  Group includes members from different buildings, grade-spans, and content areas

Option B:  Group includes members from the same building, but different content areas (especially useful for HS staff)

Option C:  Group includes members from different buildings within the same grade span (especially useful for elementary staff)

Option D:  Group includes members from the same building, but different grade levels (especially useful for middle school staff)

All staff will need to complete the cohort reporting form found at this link.  We will also share this link via email the morning of the 21st so it can be easily found by all who need it.  Please submit your google form before the end of the day on the 21st.

Thank you all for everything you do for our students and for your commitment to helping each other grow and learn professionally!

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