Thursday, December 14, 2017

Holiday Cheer!

We have seen many great happenings in all the schools this week!  We are excited to see the holiday spirit and fun among the staff.  We wanted to join in a bit with the holiday spirit.  If you are the first 10 to comment to this post with your favorite holiday tradition you will win a sweet reward.  We look forward to staff sharing traditions and what is important to all of you.  We wish you a very happy holiday and we hope that you will all take time for yourself and find some relaxation.   Be sure to add your first name and school to the comment.  At this time comments only are shown as unknown.  To win a prize your name is needed.


  1. A day of baking Christmas cookies with my mom and sisters1

  2. We have a holiday tradition for welcoming in the New Year. At midnight, we all wash a dollar for good luck with money in the coming year. As a family, it is fun for all ages and at the end of the year, you have a very clean dollar to spend!

    1. This is Mary Doranski - I can't get it to show my name!

  3. Waking up on Christmas morning, opening presents and eating our family recipe breakfast souffle.....every Christmas morning for 39 years!

  4. We love delivering presents on Christmas Eve morning for Goodfellows! We have been doing this as a family for 20+ years!

  5. I love playing silly games with my family like Balderdash and eating until we are stuffed!

    Ashleigh Sterkel, KST

  6. We open up one present on Christmas Eve and it is ALWAYS comfy, cozy Christmas jammies! This was a tradition my hubby's family grew up doing and now we do it with our kiddos!

  7. Snuggling up on the sofa and watching Christmas movies in our PJs - love that time with the family!!

  8. We get up early, open presents at our house, have breakfast and then go to Grandma and Grandpa's house in our pajamas for Christmas lunch and lots of love!

  9. Growing up, our family would attend church on Xmas Eve. When we would return at Midnight my brother and I were always allowed to open one gift. We always chose the biggest, so after a few years of this my mom would wrap the smallest gift in the largest box. Need less to say, we never caught on. We continue that same tradition with our children (minus the church on Xmas Eve) :(

  10. Midnight on Christmas eve is my favorite! It's a big celebration on my husband's side with his big family.

  11. Spending time with sister and her family from Texas. we spend 5 days in Ill and then go to Houston for New Years and the two cousins, age 16 and 19, girls, hang out and shop, go to Starbucks and act like sisters...10 days together we rejoice in for the remaining 355 days of the year..sister and I rejoice in a white Christmas, skip the red!!
    Deb/Health Office/KHS

  12. I love spending time with my family and making homemade ravioli. It is special because we follow my grandmother's recipe.

  13. To see the eyes of my grandkids when the Christmas tree lights come on.
    Sharing stories of past Christmas's at the dinner time.

  14. Watching the excitement on my kids face on Christmas Morning. Patti Reeder

  15. Christmas Eve every member of the family and guests are invited to participate in the sharing of opłatek (wafer), an old Polish Christmas tradition, before dinner. Everyone holds a piece of opłatek, and you break a small piece of his/her wafer while you wishes something (For example: I may break a small piece of my sister's wafer, and tell her that I wish her happiness in the upcoming year or I might say something I'd try to do- like visit her more.) Everyone goes around wishing sentiments until they don't have any left. Afterwards,you may eat the wafer pieces. Sometimes family from Poland send Christmas cards with pieces opłatek.

  16. Tracy Maz @ KST
    Everyone in my family cooks whatever they want and nothing has to go together. We’ve had some years with tacos, spaghetti and bbq ribs! Recently my go-to is Italian Wedding Soup and high maintenance dinner rolls.

  17. Our family makes fudge during the first snow of the season! We chill it by placing the pan in the snow!!! :)

  18. Spending time with family that we don't get to see as much throughout the year:)- Tiffany

  19. Growing up I loved the things my parents put in our stockings the most. I have continued this tradition with my own daughters. Now that they are older they want money of course, but they still want their stockings! Sue Bird- KME

  20. Morgan Padalik
    The women in my family and I have a Christmas cookie bake and exchange!
