Thursday, October 25, 2018

Learning Continuum Connection

At a recent Learning Design Academy a connection to the learning continuum was shared that really stuck with us and we wanted to share with you.  Consider the differences in service and environment between Baskin Robbins, Cold Stone and Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt.  At Baskin Robbins you are served by the request of what you order.  You make decisions based on the menu that is shared with you.  This strongly connected to differentiation.  There are selected groups or items you have access but all driven by the educator (the ice cream server).  The groups or items have been determined based on the needs and wants of the consumer, but they are not personally driven to your specific wants.  Next when you visit Cold Stone you are given multiple options to select from and your individualize your order.  You can choose the flavor, the add ins and topping and they will make your individualized connection on the cold stone just for you!  The customer (learner) is making decisions about their needs and wants but not putting them into action.  The server (educator) is still responsible for the end product.  Finally for those who ever had the pleasure of visiting a Orange Leaf you soon realize it is a much different experience.  You are given the bowl (the expectation for learning) and you are empowered to find your own flavor, fill it out and add your own mix ins.  You are empowered to be the leader of your learning (or eating).  Each product comes out uniquely different but all meeting the same end expectation.  This exemplifies personalized learning.  Allowing students to be the drivers of learning, following their own process and in the end meeting the set expectation.  We hope this analogy may give you a visual for the learning continuum.  Or at least make you hungry for a sweet ice cream treat!  Enjoy!

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