Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Big 6 Bus Routes

We are THRILLED to share that our administrative team is also engaged in writing proficiency tables and plans of work for the school year. Our tables will focus on 6 areas that encompass almost all facets of learning, engaging, collaborating, and social-emotional growth. Our team has divided itself into the following areas (stated as We Can statements):

-We can utilize technology in a 1:1 learning format with students
-We can implement and monitor the effectiveness of an MTSS system that focuses on customized intervention for identified students
-We can create and utilize proficiency-tables for content area learning progressions
-We can develop a system of progress reporting (SBG) based on proficiency-tables
-We can build support for our staff and students' mental health in order to be most productive in learning
-We can create a community of leaders and learners that exhibit collective efficacy in order to best serve all students

When you visit Meredith for PD this year, you will see these routes posted on the North wall, along with our reported standards (depot stops!)  for each of the 6 focus areas (bus routes). At any given time, you can see where we are with accomplishing these standards. As the proficiency tables are developed, this work will manifest itself into a variety of opportunities for PD, committee work, KLC work, etc. We will begin to collect work samples of what the proficiencies look like in practice at the different buildings, and you can always have individual conversations with your building administrative team as questions arise.

We are really excited to be engaging in this work. As I imagine is happening in your team discussions, we are having some very crucial and challenging conversations as we develop our work. These conversations are thought-provoking and meant to engage us all in deep conversation to improve our understanding. I am hopeful that all of our teams are having similar conversations as you all work on this. We grow the most when we are pushed beyond our comfort zone. Keep up the great work! We are all in the this together!

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