Monday, September 16, 2019

Product vs. Process

Over the course of this year and the next few years (yep, that's right this is here to stay), the district will be dedicating their efforts to the drafting of proficiency tables.  This process is a longer process that really takes us on on a journey through discussion, debate, and shared decision making.  The process is the true work that will in the end produce a very useful product.  Proficiency tables are NOT rubrics, but are rather a detailed description of what proficiency should look like, sound like, and feel like for students.  The tables can be used, once created, to share expectations, further create a rubric for an assignment, develop a customized path for student learning, or clarify for parents the expectations in learning.  We want all staff to engage in the process and not get hung up on completion of a product too quickly.  These tables are only as good as we make them, and if we rush the process the product will be rushed and not as useful for future work. Please take time in your teams and focus on teacher clarity of the expectations for proficiency, the product will come!  We will be monitoring the timeline of your work in order to make it flexible to your needs as a team.  Please engage in discussion and thoughtful creation during these work times.

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