Monday, December 4, 2023

Learning Forward Happy Teacher, Healthy Classroom Summary of Learning

 This past weekend Kaneland sent 9 staff members to the annual Learning Forward Conference.  Over the next few blogs we will be sharing our learning summary from sessions in the blog.  The following are all research based findings about the 12 principles for Happy Teachers that Create Healthy Learning. 

-Being positive is not pretending everything is good, it is finding the good in everything

-Listening to background music during learning can increase visual imagery and long term memory 

-Your gut is one of the most important organs for health of the brain and learning 

-Lack of relationships increase by 50% the possibility of dying prematurely

-Learning to play an instrument at a young age can protect your brain from dementia 

-Student retain knowledge and application of learning when engaging in movement along with music while learning 

-Natural lights is the best source of light for the brain and body

-30 mins is the max amount of time that should be spent on social media

-Most teenagers need 9 hours of sleep, you process what you learn during the day during sleep and less active evening hours

-Laughter stimulates immune system and release endorphins, what is learned with pleasure and fun is never forgotten 

-Optimistic people stay within their circle of influence

Calming colors for the brain include blue, green and pastels 

-This may be the first generation in which life expectancy is decreasing due to lack of relationships and life and eating habits 

-Find your purpose.  People who have a strong purpose and person who helps with the purpose live longer.  When you lost your purpose you lessen your lifespan.  Your goal as an educator is to support students in finding their purpose to drive them. 


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