Monday, December 9, 2024

Kane County Institute Day 02/28/25 (EC - 12)

Kane County Institute Day is Friday, February 28th. On this day, you will have the opportunity to engage in professional learning that meets your needs. You will be able to view sessions, locations, as well as sign-up through this link.

If you are interested in staying at your building to collaborate, or are interested in attending a non-Kane County event (for example with another county’s ROE), please complete this linked form. These requests need to be completed by Monday January 27th. You will be contacted by either Sarah or James by Monday February 3rd, if your request has been denied. If you have not been contacted by this date, you have permission to dedicate your time on February 28th to the activity you noted.

If your requested activity requires a payment, complete the form and email Sarah (ec - 5) or James (6 - 12) with information pertaining to the PD offering, location, and cost of attendance.

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