Monday, February 10, 2025

MTSS Coordinator Meeting (K-5)

 The following discussions took place during the monthly MTSS Coordinator meeting:

Updates and collaboration with the Behavior Facilitators and coaches.

Discussion of Rigby assessment and running record practices for the future.  

Reflection of KIPLA practices and check ins that are occurring.

The start of planning for assessment for the Fall.  At this time we will not be holding a Fall Rigby, we will be using the Spring Rigby as the starting point for our students.  

The team also began to consider how to clarify the places data and tools for MTSS are for next school year.  We hope to bring clarity on the data hub, data wall, and FRM over the next four months.  

The team planned the IAR planning for Kane County Day.  They will also be collaborating with Martne and Laura to assist with KIPLA. 

The team discussed the Early Bird screening pilot.  The permission slip is going out this week to pilot students with the options for students’ families to opt out by Friday.

The district tech office is working through the process of using the new IAR launchpad and getting students’ accommodations and teachers’ logins set up for the testing period.  We will be sending updates as we get them on the new platform.

Laura will be working on the process of the MTSS structure planning for next year starting in April after IAR.    

The notes were reviewed and approved by:  Sarah Mumm, Shaun Wenz, Catherine Orin, Laura Garland and Chris Sears

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