Monday, August 5, 2019

Welcome Back Thoughts to Ponder

This week we were lucky enough to attend a conference and listen to Dr. Anthony Muhammad.  The day was filled with affirmation of the great work that all of you have been doing over the course of the past years, as well as a few next steps to assist in building our healthy and accountable school culture.  During the session he posed the following as three of the greatest impacts and advantages for students learning:

1. Teacher Collective Efficacy:  The number one greatest impact to student learning achievement as documented by over 15 years of research, is collective efficacy.  The mindset that you are a team to support all students.  The belief you are responsible for all, not just those assigned to you.  The belief you are an advocate for all students AND your peers.
2.  Teacher Estimates of Student Achievement: Researcher John Hattie found that this is the second most impactful thing for students to achieve.  The concept that teachers have the mindset and preconceived notions that all students can and will achieve, students will gain a year and a half growth in a year just from the mindset!   We challenge you as you begin to look at your class lists and rosters to maintain the mindset that all students will be successful and throw any negative preconceived notions out the window.  Every child is different and everyone can achieve.
3.  Student Self Efficacy:  The third highest impact on learning is the student's own perception of their ability.

Consider these three major impacts on learning as you prepare to meet students in one week!  We are excited to begin a great school year!

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