Monday, October 21, 2019

Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane? Is it PBP SuperHero Time!

It is time again for another great contest to really hit home what proficiency based progress means (and tap into the creative side of our staff).  In the spirit of Halloween we want you to create the best model for a Superhero that would define what proficiency based progress and proficiency based table creation exemplifies.  You have been working hard with your grade levels and departments on defining proficiency and making tables and now it is time to have some fun.  The winners of this contest will get a Kaneland Spirit Wear reward for their SUPER work!  All you need to do is:
1.  Create a PBP Superhero
2.  Send your Superhero model to Sarah Mumm or Patrick Raleigh
3.  Hope you win!

NOTE:  The format of your superhero could take any form (personalized learning option time).  It could be a picture you drew, a picture of yourself dressed up as PBP Superhero, a written description of your superhero, a clay model, or a full length movie trailer.   Any format is acceptable.

Let's have some fun and capture the essence of proficiency based progress work!   All submissions are due by November 15th.

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