Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Proficiency Table Writing and Plans of Work

We are at our 25% benchmark check-in on our plans of work on our proficiency-tables for this year. As a district, we have had a tremendous amount of really positive conversations in the sense that teachers are being very purposeful and intentional in their instruction, planning, and reflections. Like with any great undertaking, there are going to be some growing pains, but we recognize these pains are well worth it in the long run. As the Ed Services department has been working with the oversight administrators in each grade level and department, we've noticed at various levels the need to really focus on the process of writing the tables as opposed to simply creating a table for the purpose of having it done. That process is a marathon, not a sprint. Please make sure you are adjusting your plans of work accordingly. Some teams may see the need to adjust their plans now that they have the time to dig in and work on them. Some teams have the need to adjust their focus from table writing to breaking down their content standards, assessment procedures, reflective practices, etc. Because we value the process of the table creation (the standards vetting, assessment analysis, etc.), the timeline for the product of the table itself might need to be extended into the next school year. Please make sure you are noting your current needs on your plans of work, and share with your oversight administrator what your plans/needs are as well as any questions you may have.   Thank you to all for your hard work!!

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