We are excited to be coming to a closure for this school year on our ELA Review process. Over the past 18 months we have taken time to dive deep into various products through a pilot process. Through this pilot we were able to vet 4 differnt products at various grade levels: Units of Study 3-5, Fountas and Pinnell K-2, Houghton Mifflin, and Scholastic. During the pilot we assessed our progress with two feedback surveys from pilot teachers and also met as a committee to hear progress and final thoughts on each tool. After much consideration the team is looking to propose materials to the Board of Education in April. This year the K-5 ELA was up for review at the same time as 6-12 Math. Both of these review materials are larger dollar amounts and we will need to suggest a roll out process of two or possibly three years. We are hoping to have a final plan drafted for the April meeting and specifics will be shared at that time. Here are a few highlights that can be shared now about our focus for next year:
1. Every staff member has the Fountas and Pinnell mini lesson book and we will be provided intensive and explicit professional development on implementation of mini lessons. Please be nt he look out for that in the PD Calendar coming out later this Spring.
2. We will be proposing to purchase interactive read alouds from Fountas and Pinnell for all grades.
3. We will look to focus on Fountas and Pinnell materials at the primary grades.
4. We will be providing specific professional development on Guided Reading for all.
5. We will be following up next February to gain feedback on the next steps in the process.
We will be sharing more specific information on materials and professional development closer to the April Board Meeting date. In order for us to prepare the most accurate order for the Board of Education, we are asking every staff member to please complete the
ELA Materials Survey by March 6th.
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