Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Tenet A: The LDIP Continuum

As a reminder, the purpose of the learning continuum is to have fluid progression throughout the unit of study among the LDIP levels depending upon content and student need. The LDIP levels are (L) Legacy, (D) Differentiation, (I) Individualized, and (P) Personalized. 
For this tenet, you must show evidence of authentic implementation from your learning environment that exhibits the use of each of the levels of LDIP.  Evidence must include artifacts along with a reflection that shares the rationale for the instructional method and LDIP level utilized.

Some evidence that we have collected over the course of last year includes:

-Whole group novels (L) to individual novel choices used to discuss character development (I and P)
-Students selecting learning activities of their own that connect to a reported standard on a math continuum (P)
-A shared list of Must Do learning activities (D) and May Do learning activities (I)

This is only a small sample. For more help with Tenet A, please reach out to a mentor, team member, or coach for some ideas on implementation!

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