Monday, December 11, 2023

Guest Writer: James H. Learning Forward

 As an organization, Learning Forward is dedicated to the professional learning of educators. While attending the annual conference, I was fortunate to participate in a session facilitated by Joellen Killion, who is the author of Assessing Impact. The focus of her presentation was on the utilization of time, effort, and resources to ensure that there is a meaningful impact on any intended outcome.

As educators, we are all practitioners focusing our efforts on improving student learning. We know that shifts in generations, communities, and politics are constant, and that these shifts have a direct impact on learning environments. Professional learning for all educators is crucial to ensure that our work is supported and impactful.

Killion’s presentation discussed the necessity of building professional learning around data and evidence. First, as adult learners, we need to see data supporting that professional learning is necessary. Second, those charged with developing and delivering professional learning, need to see evidence that the learning of adults is impactful. In education, the impact is always on student learning. Professional learning must then evolve with the learning needs of the students.

As a guide for this, Killion offered several models which include:

A logic model - Uses data to justify the need for professional learning

Evidence collection - To determine the evidence of impact on student learning

Similar to the needs of the learners within a classroom, the needs of adults vary and the professional learning must be designed to meet their needs. For Killion, the needs are determined through gathering and assessment of evidence before, during, and after the learning experience. When done with fidelity, the end result is an impact on student achievement.  

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