Monday, August 12, 2024

Connections Competition (EC-12)

 We are so excited to welcome all staff back and hope you are as eager as all of us to make new connections and renew old connections.  As you heard at the kick off this year, we are hosting a connections competition throughout this year.  We encourage all staff to check the back of their puzzle pieces and connect with a staff member that holds that job title this year.  You can connect in a variety of ways and earn raffle tickets for our semester raffle baskets.  Please see the chart below to see all the great ways to make connections!  Get out there and find your staff member.  Remember you can also earn a prize if you find the other 8 people and create a complete 9 piece puzzle and share the motto with Sarah Mumm.  Good luck and happy connecting.  

Connect and Commit Levels

Level of Connecting and Committing 


Evidence of Connection and Commitment

Raffle Entries if Completed

WAY: Who Are You

There is always a “WAY” to make someone’s day!  Research and identify the person that holds the position you randomly selected.  Send them a note, email or quick text to make their day.  No response or interaction is needed, just a supportive message to them.

Submit who you connected with and sent a supportive message to and the job category they hold to Education Service Department 

1 entry 

WIL: What I Learned

Where there is a “WIL” there is a way.  Email, text, call the person and share a bit about yourself and ask them about what they do for our students in Kaneland.  

Submit a WIL, what I learned from reflection that includes three things that you learned about the person and how they are committed to our students. To the Education Service Department 

3 entries 

WHY: We Hear You 

“WHY” not actively listen and learn from each other?. Connect and discuss your why with your randomly selected job category person. Create a visual or snap a picture together showing how your whys connect to each other.   

Submit your visual or picture to Education Service Department 

4 entries 

WWF: We Want Feedback

Let’s get electrified with some feedback.  To earn 5 entries, you and the chosen partner will share a teaching video, lesson or go observe each other and use the feedback delivery table to co-construct feedback around learning for each other. 

Submit a summary of what one thing you may want to shift in your practice based on your peer’s feedback.

5 entries 

WIMS: Walk In My Shoes

On a “WIM” go and visit the randomly selected job category to see for yourself their job. Take a half day sub to shadow and observe in the person’s classroom or job area.  While you are there, consider how what they do daily connects to what you do.

Submit the date of your observation along with three things you learned during the observation to Educational Service Department

6 entries 

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