Monday, August 12, 2024

KIPLA- Year 2 (K-12)


Kaneland IgKnight Personalized Learning Academy (KIPLA) is excited to head into Year 2! To stay informed about all things IgKnight Academy, please take a moment to review the information below:

  • The KIPLA Information Guide has been updated, and can be accessed HERE
  • Visitors are welcome! We will be hosting several visits for identified staff on designated dates. These opportunities will be shared in the Curriculum Connection throughout the year. Aside from formal visits, any staff interested in seeing IgKnight in action is welcome to contact Laura Garland ( to schedule a visit.
    • The first formal tours of IgKnight Academy will be held for those participating in k-5 math norming on 9/5 and 9/11 (KPASS staff), 9/6 (3rd grade), 9/9 (2nd grade), 9/10 (1st grade), and 9/13 (kindergarten). Tours will be held from 8:05 am- 9:15 am, with norming beginning at 9:30am. 
    • Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will start early, running from 9/3/24- 11/22/24. More information regarding indicators that can help to identify potential KIPLA students will be shared over the next few weeks.

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