Tuesday, October 1, 2024

World Language and Exploratory Curriculum Review (6 - 12)

At the secondary level, there are two areas up for curricular review this school year. One is high school world language, and the second is middle school exploratories. Through this process, teachers will be reflecting on units of study, specific learning targets, and their proficiency tables. This work has been designed to identify areas of improvement within the scope and sequence of current class offerings.

In September, the high school world language department met to review their units of study. Because the Spanish I offering at KHS aligns with the middle school offering of Spanish, a member of the middle school was in attendance for the review. World language is in a unique situation as it will become a graduation requirement in 2028 and the department will not have another opportunity to review their curriculum prior to this state level change.

The team met diligently and is on track to improve the offerings for our students in both Spanish and French courses. This week, the middle school exploratory teachers will meet to engage in a similar process.

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