Monday, August 19, 2019

1:1 Process and Handbook highlights

Hopefully, at this time all Chromebooks have been distributed to our students for grades 4th-12th. A HUGE thank you to Tim Wolf and his department for getting the devices organized and distributed to each school. This took an incredible amount of work and time and when looking at a rollout of over close to 4,000 devices, this has gone really smoothly!  As for the use of the devices and our expectations, we have shared this link to parents and students. In the handbook is a great section on the SAMR model. Our hope is that these devices allow you to bring experiences and content into your classes that otherwise would not be accessible to students (or at least not immediately). As we continue to plan lessons with the LDIP continuum in mind, please remember that the Chromebooks are a curricular tool to open up endless opportunities for students along this continuum.

We hosted 5 parent informational meetings from the end of last year through this summer. We fielded a lot of questions regarding logistics, fees, filters and protections, and some questions about how these devices enhance learning. So highlights to note from these meetings and the handbook include:

-The SAMR model and the emphasis on modifying and redefining learning opportunities
-Insurance is available at a cost to parents. This is done through a 3rd party and parents have an email with the link to access
-Information on Canvas:
          -We have communicated to parents our expectations for our staff for the use of Canvas- that is a) a welcome page, b) one module by Winter, and c) a final module by the Spring. Parents have been informed that Canvas may not be very robust at any given point throughout this year. 

Please remember that Faye Licari, our TOSA, is an incredible resource with a wealth of knowledge on Canvas and the 1:1 philosophy. Keep her in mind as your needs change throughout the year!

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