Monday, August 19, 2019

Proficiency-tables Update

Good Afternoon Everyone,

We made it through the first week! Congrats and thank you for all of the hard work you have
put in to making the start of the year such a success for our students. As Ed Services starts to
compile all of the plans of work, EC-12, as well as some of the proficiency-tables that have
been constructed, we want to make sure we share some important information moving

Indicators of Proficient/Approaching Proficient

As you are crafting the criteria for what meets each benchmark, please make sure that these
are explicitly written with enough detail so anyone can look at the table and easily identify
what the expectation is. 1-2 word phrases would not be enough.

Examples of needing more context:
"Conjugate verbs"
"Add fractions"
"Read decimals to the hundredths"

Examples of Clearly Written Criteria:
"Relationships between claims, evidence, and support are consistently developed"
"Students made distributing errors when performing operations"

4 Columns for Reporting

There are 4 headers for the Standards-based grading benchmarks that all of the tables
currently have listed (Proficient/Approaching Proficient/Needs Support/Insufficient
Evidence).As we work through this process, we anticipate some really deep
conversations about what each of these represents and communicates out to the community.
Some departments/content areas have been inquiring about a level beyond proficient.
If you are interested in doing so, we recommend one of two options:

1) Write your indicators for Proficient and Approaching. Go back through the proficient
indicators and highlight those that would indicate the student has gone above and beyond
our expectations. 

2) In addition to the district-approved columns of Proficient and Approaching, you can add a
column for Distinguished criteria. Please note, when reporting out grades, we will be using

At any time, you have the leeway to use any tool to communicate with students where
they are on a standard (on target/above and beyond/not close). As we work through
this year, please have discussions with your colleagues as to why there is a need for
the additional columns and begin to draft a rationale to share with your building
administrators. We will be using this feedback with various stakeholders as we solidify
our expectations for the 2020-2021 school year. 

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