Monday, August 19, 2024

District SIP survey window will be open from 8/26 - 9/5 (K - 12)

 For the district wide School Improvement Plan (SIP), we are focused on the Personalized Learning Tenet G, Feedback Cycles. The window of data collection is open from Monday August the 26th through Thursday September the 5th. 

K - 2 teachers, please let your office know if you want the printed version.

K - 5 teachers, work with your grade level team to schedule a time during the window for the students to take the survey.

6- 12 teachers, your building principal will be scheduling a time for the survey to be taken by the students.

The links for this survey will be emailed directly to the students’ email accounts. So that you have them, here are the links:

Feedback Survey for Students 3rd-12th Grade

Feedback Survey print

K-2 optional Fall 2024 Survey

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