Monday, August 19, 2024

Social Science for K-5 (K-5)

 We are so excited to have the new Impact Social Science program.  We are approved to print and copy for 1:1 use with students.  Each year we will be given consumables that provide 1:2 ratio of books and the online version to provide 1:1 product.  The inquiry journals were to be 1:1 ratio but we are still working with the company to get the remaining portion of the journals so we may not be at the 1:1 at the start of the year but should be very soon.  This first year the company is wanting us to implement the program and give feedback to the level that we use the full consumable book and will work with us to know what ratio of books supports our learning structures the best.  Please know every school has at minimum 1:2 ratio right now and will work towards inquiry journals of 1:1.   We are excited to work with the new materials with our students and see if partner work or individual work is preferred.  Please copy or print any pages you see fit if you do not have the full book.      

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