Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Kindergarten Curriculum Chat (K)

 Today was the first Wednesday Curriculum Chat of the year.  Each Wednesday there will be a google meet chat geared to connecting to a grade level or grade span.  Here is what was covered this week.  

The focus was on Kindergarten, we had a slight tech issue, but managed!  My apologies! 

Looking forward to the new legislation in Illinois mandating Kindergarten as full day in 2027, plans beginning in Spring of this year

New Social Studies updates, more Inquiry Journals are on the way

We discussed the timing for the ESGI testing

We discussed the early entrance testing process

Wanting to get mentor text for Patterns of Wonder was a topic of discussion 

Looking for feedback on having Rigby at the start of the year, since most of the students being tested this Fall are falling very close to the Spring level they left at (or within one level higher) 

Great feedback coming out of Summer School regarding the Kindergarten Jump Start program from families.  Would love to keep sharing this opportunity with our families as well.

Thank you to all who attended today!  

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