Monday, August 19, 2024

Kaneland Connects Goals 2024-2025 (EC-12)

 As we head into our final goals year for Kaneland Connects we wanted to share the focus areas for our district Strategic Plan.  Below are all the new goals for this school year.  Please note that this is the year with the least amount of new goals!  The staff focused goals are down from 9 goals to 4 goals from last year to this year.  Kudos to all staff for amazing work over the last four years! Over the course of this year we will be diving into these goals and asking staff for ideas of bring them into action. 

MTSS Goals for this Year:

-Administration can review future staffing needs to support student intervention needs

-Staff can expand options for personalized learning based on student needs

-Students can identify and advocate options for their learning 

SEL Goals for this Year:
-Staff can review behavior trends in order to see progress of self-care and support
-Students can apply GRIT and resilience to their own personal scenario
-Staff can consider the addition of further classes to support self-care and social emotional learning

PBP Goals for this Year:

-Staff can communicate progress on reported standards in all courses

-Students can self-assess and grade progress 

-Students can select the learning environment of their choice based on their styles and needs

-Community can monitor learning progression  using one tool

-Community can assist students in identify the personalized learning environment for them to attend

1:1 Goals for this Year:

-Students can determine flexible learning opportunities with technology use -Students can collaborate with various resources to enhance learning

SBG Goals for this Year:

-Students can self assess and self report grades based on proficiency table expectations of reported standards

-Students can articulate to their parents and teachers their learning needs and next steps in learning 

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