Monday, December 18, 2023

6-12 Homeroom Materials

 Hi All-

Please remember that we have some funds set aside for SEL materials for the school year. These are separate from the 2nd Step or Character Strong curriculum materials. The examples shared through the Initiatives meeting were for more materials for monthly activities/celebrations, etc. If you do have an idea or a need for some of these fun materials, please reach out to me at and we can get started on what we can provide. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Standards-based Grading Transition Progress 6-12

Thank you to the leaderhsip teams at both the middle school and high school. I appreciate the time you have taken to speak with your colleagues and share feedback. i wanted to keep you posted on the next steps:

1) We will gather parent feedback at the Citizen's Advisory Committee tomorrow at 7:00 pm. Our main points of discussion will center areound the percentage grading scale, re-assessments, and homework. 

2) We will gather final rounds of feedback from our SBG commitment team meeting January 31st. 

Once all of this feedback is gathered, we will present our plan to the Board in the Spring. I will continue to communicate with teams along the way as necessary. 

If at any time you owuld like to meet and discuss any of this further, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Shout Out...School Bee Coordinators

 A HUGE shout out to our school bee coordinators:  Annie Cantrell, Linda Norton, Stacie Salzman, Erin Eickman, Rachael Wilson, Tricia Nugara, Nicci DiBella, Rob Williams, and Melanie Zack!  Kudos to a job well done today hosting the school bees. We look forward to a great district bee on January 18th at 5:30pm.  Please join the fun and attend to support our top district spellers.  

Guest Writer: Nancy M. Learning Forward

 The theme of this year’s Learning Forward conference was evidence. I walked away with many action steps to ponder.   Here are a few takeaways tied to evidence from a session with Professor and author Dr. Thomas Guskey and Dr. Laura Link on Feedback Teachers Find Most Useful.

  • Results were shared from an in depth research study in the midwest involving 92 K-12 teachers and 7400 students.

  • Teachers clearly identified the 2 types of feedback that they found most useful. 

    • The student (work) feedback was explained as a close look at formative assessments with an item analysis so that teachers can determine next steps in learning.  It was also emphasized that assessment structures could be altered so that teachers build in time after unit assessments to determine gaps in student learning. An alternate instructional strategy should be applied so that more students can gain mastery.

    • Digging deeper into this study, student work combined with classroom observations were most valued when feedback was focused on how students are performing based on a specific goal that teachers have set for their students, whether it is a building goal or a professional growth goal.

At Kaneland, we do much of this goal focused work in teams. Jennifer Abrams, a communication consultant and author of many educational professional texts, spoke on Daring Conversations: Strengthening Adult to Adult Conversations in Schools. She emphasized that we need to work effectively together by developing both our students and ourselves. She referenced collective efficacy with a focus on solutions. The way we do this is by stretching our learning edges. A learning edge is the state of mind we enter when we are outside of our comfort zone and pushing our previous knowledge. She emphasized our professionalism matters.  The five facets that influence our ability to grow are:

  1. Know your identity (Think of a staff learner profile)

  2. Suspend your certainty (Remain open minded to new ways of thinking)

  3. Take responsibility

  4. Engage in reciprocity

  5. Build resiliency

One final thought is that trust is the foundation of these facets.  Included in the notes from this session are more detailed definitions and a list of reflection questions and prompts to dig further into these facets. I value working with grade level teams and modeling for our students that we are lifelong learners and plan to look into her book Stretching Your Learning Edges: Growing (Up) at Work.

Kane County Registration Opens January 8th

 We are excited to share that the registration for Kane County Day on March 1st opens on January 8th through the ROE website below.  We will send over break the specific link again, but please keep and save this link below to register for sessions starting the 8th (our first day back from break).  On the March 1st date, Kaneland staff may take part in the ROE event, submit a proposal to work internally to Educational Service Department, or select to work on submitting personalized learning tenet evidence.  Each staff member electing to stay on Kaneland campuses will need to share their proposal through this google form.  If attending a Kane County Day session through the ROE, be sure to sign in and out at your session on March 1st for attendance purpose.  We look forward to a great day of learning and sharing.

Monday, December 11, 2023

IgKnight Reflection WINNER!

Thank you to the 21 staff members who took time to complete and show evidence of the application of learning from the IgKnight Conference through our reflection raffle.  We were so impressed with all the ways our staff applied their learning.  The winner of the reflection evidence is....Maggie Pacana at HMS.  A winter wonderland basket is headed your way!

What Are You Thankful For

 At the most recent IgKnight Conference we asked staff to share one thing they were thankful for on that day.  Here are all the responses we received!  WOW, we do have a lot to count our blessings for here at Kaneland.  Thank you for taking the time to share!

One thing I learned today I am thankful for: 

Thankful for our admin team

Teachers are willing to share and collaborate with each other

Board games boost creativity and cooperation 

Collecting quality data

Google slides

Providing choices to avoid a power struggle

Supporting each other 

Minecraft in the classroom 

SEL resources 

motivating students and teachers in various ways

Books I can use in my classroom

New ideas and websites

Love that the district provides these wonderful resources

Dancing with friends is fun 

Being a presenter isn't as scary as I thought it would be


Canva tools

AI in the classroom

How to set up a 403B


Power of belonging 

We have great staff

relationships matter 

Important to destress

Time to collaborate


Open minded staff

How to fill out a referral 

Health benefits 

Greeting students in a positive way

Calm classroom 

Second step 

Journaling daily can help in the classroom 

Danielson framework 

Formative assessment

Belonging environment for students


Giving students grace

Great co-workers who make this fun 

Using PBP tables with various student needs

How to manage my time in the classroom

How to crochet 

District 302 teachers are amazing

Using songs can help with lessons

Dismissal strategies

PBP tables are very helpful

Handling “out of control” students 


My duck match

Diving deeper into the graduate profile

Pickleball rules 

Crocheting takes patience 

Having those hard talks with admin 

Strategies for listening  

Do You Know Any Extraordinary Kids?

Do you know any extraordinary kids or students who should be recognized for their work?  A local author has started a campaign to recognize students and kids who give back to the community or peers.  Students can win a signed copy of the new book The Extraordinary Imagination of Jenny Figment.  Check out the Link and submit a student you may know who should be recognized!  Let's celebrate our Kaneland Students and fill the submission box today! 

Guest Writer: Addison S. Assessing Students' Knowledge

 Are you struggling to find a way for students to self assess their proficiency? Using the highlighter method is a great way for students to assess their knowledge in a discrete way without other students knowing. I was never a huge fan of students holding up a number to show their proficiency on a topic. I always caught other students looking around at others, changing their numbers based on their peers around them, and were never fully honest because they did not want to be the student at a 1 or 2. This summer, I came up with the highlighter method. I created posters in different highlighter colors that represented each level of proficiency. Pink represents level 1 - I don’t understand it yet, I need more help. Yellow represents level 2- I am starting to understand, but still need more support . Green represents level 3- I understand, I can do this on my own. Lastly, I added blue, which represents level 4- I’ve got it, I can apply this in a real world situation and teach others. Where students turn in their work, I have placed the posters and highlighters. Students then highlight their name based on the proficiency level they believe they are at. This is a great way to x-ray the room very quickly to determine next steps in learning! 

If you would like the posters, please feel free to email me at . 

Guest Writer: Brian Z. Learning Forward Reflections

I was excited to be able to attend the Learning Forward Academy and Conference this past week.  Thank you to all staff who covered in my time away at the event.  Here are just a few key takeaways from Learning Forward and the Learning Forward Academy Sessions that focus on feedback: 

Within the cycle of feedback, we must remember that students will not learn with anchorless feedback. As such, we must remember to: 

1. Establish the purpose of learning

2. Maintain daily monitoring of student learning

3. Provide students with information about their success and needs

4. Use student performance for "next steps" instruction that is tied into an instructional model. 

As educators, we give a lot of feedback, but that doesn't mean it has been received. Feedback is only as good as the information being used to create change or improvement. 

The giver of feedback must look for and receive feedback about how they delivered the feedback. If we don't attend to not just the giving but to how the learner is receiving the feedback, we're missing a large piece of the puzzle that moves learning forward. 

A mindset to make when reflecting on the next steps in feedback and learning is to shift from what students will do to what they will learn. In order to support this shift, educators must provide feedback not just on the strong aspects of student work but also on the ways they can strengthen their work. 

A key way to reflect on the impact and quality of feedback is to keep it Growth Oriented, Real, Empathetic, Asked For, and Timely. 

Press Your Luck Winners

 Here we are near the end of the first semester, time to award our Press Your Luck winners!  The Press Your Luck Game is housed at KMAC and is an opportunity for all staff to check their knowledge on Kaneland Connects.  With over 3500 points this semester the winners are.....Samantha M and Stephanie U!!!!!!!  Kudos and great job knowing your strategic plan!  A yummy prize is waiting for you!

Guest Writer: James H. Learning Forward

 As an organization, Learning Forward is dedicated to the professional learning of educators. While attending the annual conference, I was fortunate to participate in a session facilitated by Joellen Killion, who is the author of Assessing Impact. The focus of her presentation was on the utilization of time, effort, and resources to ensure that there is a meaningful impact on any intended outcome.

As educators, we are all practitioners focusing our efforts on improving student learning. We know that shifts in generations, communities, and politics are constant, and that these shifts have a direct impact on learning environments. Professional learning for all educators is crucial to ensure that our work is supported and impactful.

Killion’s presentation discussed the necessity of building professional learning around data and evidence. First, as adult learners, we need to see data supporting that professional learning is necessary. Second, those charged with developing and delivering professional learning, need to see evidence that the learning of adults is impactful. In education, the impact is always on student learning. Professional learning must then evolve with the learning needs of the students.

As a guide for this, Killion offered several models which include:

A logic model - Uses data to justify the need for professional learning

Evidence collection - To determine the evidence of impact on student learning

Similar to the needs of the learners within a classroom, the needs of adults vary and the professional learning must be designed to meet their needs. For Killion, the needs are determined through gathering and assessment of evidence before, during, and after the learning experience. When done with fidelity, the end result is an impact on student achievement.  

Happy Holidays from the Educational Service Department


We would like to wish each and every one of you a very happy holiday season!  We hope you are able to find relaxation and fun times in the holiday break!  Cheers to the very best new year!  See you in January 2024! 

Canvas Changes

 For the last few years, Canvas has stopped supporting Google Docs Cloud Assignments and has advised users to switch to Google Assignments. It is now official that Google Docs Cloud Assignments will be deprecated. Please use the Google Assignments external tool instead. HERE is a guide.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

1st Lucky Duck Raffle Winner!!

We are excited to share that we have the first of our Lucky Duck winners! Hundreds(ish) of our staff members were able to connect with their peers in finding their duck match. Thank you all for submitting your matches. Our two lucky winners for this first draw will be getting their Lucky Duck Dash Deliveries in the coming weeks. Our winners are offered 5 options, with the chance to choose three for Ed Services to deliver once we are given the choices.

1) Door Dash - we will deliver a local meal to your school

2) Book Dash - either a personal or professional book title of your choice will be delivered 

3) Supply Dash - a list of classroom supplies to be delivered to your classroom

4) Personal Care Dash - send Ed Services a list of personal care items (winter scarf, hats, coffee, etc)

5) Holiday Treat Dash - send Ed Services a list of holiday treats you would like delivered 

Our first winners are.......

Linda Norton and Kristin Duffy

Linda and Kristin, please be on the look out for more details through the district mail.

Guest Writer- Rachael W. Learning Forward Reflection

 Takeaways from Learning Forward: 

  • Specific ways to infuse equity to support culture and climate through equity walks, student voice, and retaining talent
  • The importance of data and goal setting as well as ways to implement data collection to impact teacher instruction and student learning
  • Data rules to follow: data should foster hope, should be tied to professional development, should be objective, should be reliable and mutually understood, should be valid, should be frequently gathered, should be gathered by teachers, should be easy to gather and review, and should be validated by research
  • Brain Smart Start process of Unite, Connect, Disengage Stress, Commit to help start a lesson, professional development, etc. with students and staff alike to help with engagement and focus 
  • Ways to support educator resilience and building teacher leaders through this process by learning about topics such as toxic positivity, spheres of influence and control, and the types of resilience

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Feedback from Kaneland Learning Forward Presentation

 We were very proud to represent Kaneland at Learning Forward this year and present a 2 hour session on Monday!  The purpose of the session was to share our journey and structures on continuous improvement practices.  We wanted to share the presentation with all of you and a few feedback statements we got after the session.  Truly proud to be a Knight!  

Feedback Shared:

 “This session should be a full day of learning and application.  So many great structures shared” -Iowa Instructional Coach

“This district has it going!  I would love to work there” -Pennsylvania Superintendent

“The Strategic Plan is top notch!  Truly a plan that is embedded in action” -Maryland Principal 

“WOW!  I am leaving with a list of 65 things I could use right away!  Way to create great structures in your schools!” -Alaska Teacher

Monday, December 4, 2023

IgKnight Conference feedback

 Thank you to all who attended the IgKnight Conference this year!  It was a great event.  We so appreciate the feedback from the day and wanted to share the results with all.  Please see this link for the feedback shared.  Please note most of the data is copied and pasted for submissions so there may be name misspellings, please note the intent of the feedback.  Again, thank all staff for dedicating your time to learning and building our educator capacity!  

Learning Forward Happy Teacher, Healthy Classroom Summary of Learning

 This past weekend Kaneland sent 9 staff members to the annual Learning Forward Conference.  Over the next few blogs we will be sharing our learning summary from sessions in the blog.  The following are all research based findings about the 12 principles for Happy Teachers that Create Healthy Learning. 

-Being positive is not pretending everything is good, it is finding the good in everything

-Listening to background music during learning can increase visual imagery and long term memory 

-Your gut is one of the most important organs for health of the brain and learning 

-Lack of relationships increase by 50% the possibility of dying prematurely

-Learning to play an instrument at a young age can protect your brain from dementia 

-Student retain knowledge and application of learning when engaging in movement along with music while learning 

-Natural lights is the best source of light for the brain and body

-30 mins is the max amount of time that should be spent on social media

-Most teenagers need 9 hours of sleep, you process what you learn during the day during sleep and less active evening hours

-Laughter stimulates immune system and release endorphins, what is learned with pleasure and fun is never forgotten 

-Optimistic people stay within their circle of influence

Calming colors for the brain include blue, green and pastels 

-This may be the first generation in which life expectancy is decreasing due to lack of relationships and life and eating habits 

-Find your purpose.  People who have a strong purpose and person who helps with the purpose live longer.  When you lost your purpose you lessen your lifespan.  Your goal as an educator is to support students in finding their purpose to drive them. 


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

K-5 Summer School Update

  Elementary Summer School Vacancies and Engagement Camp Proposals

Please note that we still have summer school vacancies posted and are hoping to select candidates before winter break.

2 Teachers, posted 10/20/23
2 Interns, posted 10/20/23

Summer School Dates: July 8th - August 1st, 2024 (Monday-Thursday)
Elementary Gradespan: Students who will be entering 1st-5th grade for 2024-2025 school year. 
Elementary Proposed structure:
8:30-11:00- Interdisciplinary block with customized paths 
11:00-11:55 Lunch/Recess for students who attended the interdisciplinary course and who are also attending an engagement camp
12:00-1:30 Engagement Camps (Sessions offered in 2 week increments)
1:30-3:30  Themed Day Camp

Engagement Camps
Engagement camps are similar to a "camp" concept and should allow for active engagement and opportunities for student voice to be incorporated. They can be offered for any topic and are non-graded. Each session will be 2 weeks in length. Past examples include science topics, cooking, music, SEL, sports, etc. Please reach out to Kara Salto to share your interest/ideas.

Crucial Conversation Book Club

 A small group of staff have been meeting to do a book study on Crucial Conversations.  This month the team discussed the following key points to reflect on during your interactions with others.  

-Be sure to reflect on prior to a conversation what you would like the outcome to be for the topic AND the relationship with the peer

- Think prior to a conversation of how you want to clarify your story

-Allow all in the conversation to clarify their story before moving to solutions or questions

-Remember that safety is not synonymous with comfort in a conversations, just like being unsafe is not synonymous with uncomfortable conversations 

-Consider how you would act in a conversation if the topic was something your really wanted

-Try to empathize the the postion of all in the conversation

-Consider what your style under stress is.  This link will take you to a brief survey to assess your style.

Learning Walk Reflection

 This month we had the pleasure to visit all schools.  It was great to see learning in action.  Here were a few things we learned and saw on the walks:

-Students pride in their teacher at KME was great to hear!

-LDIP continuum flexibility was observed.  Seeing mini-lessons followed by random grouping and individualized conferences.  

-Mini-lessons starting within legacy instruction and then shifting to differentiation groups 

- New groupings based on student learning needs starting after Thanksgiving

-Student routines and culture established and expectations being reviewed upon return after a long weekend

-I can statements posted but not referenced during the short walk visit, but were often posted.  

-Students were engaged in all classrooms and knew the task expectations along with the next task that would come in their learning progression 

-Students building community within the classrooms at HMS

-Lots of student movement within the learning environments

-Flexible seating choices used appropriately by students

We encourage all staff to take time for learning to review the PBP tables and show them to students during feedback conferences and at the start of mini-lessons.  This will provide the ability for students to self-reflect on learning progress.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Kindergarten Step Up Coming to Summer School

 We are so excited to begin to offer a Kindergarten Step Up program this summer during Summer School.  We are in the process of planning what the sessions for step up would focus on during the summer sessions. We are looking for feedback from current Kindergarten teachers to share key topics that should be covered that would benefit our incoming Kindergarteners this next year.  We also will be looking for a few Summer School teachers for just Kindergarten.  If you are interested in being part of the planning please contact Sarah Mumm.  If you are interested in teaching summer school of Kindergarten contact Kara Salto.   

EAC Update

Today EAC at the EC-5 level met for the monthly meeting.  The following was discussed.  Please follow up with any EAC member for further clarification of a topic:

  • The team reviewed the data for the writing audits.  Please see and review the Google slides for a summary of the findings.  The district is wanting to further plan professional development for enhancement of all key areas of need.  Please share any ideas with your EAC member on the best way to engage in professional development. 

  • The team looked at all the sight word lists used across the district and how we use the data.  The team is recommending that a small group will meet that will include a grade level rep from every school in order to make a consistent list across the grade level.  We will focus on K-2 revisions to sight word lists in the Spring, and later Spring or Summer revision for intermediate grades.  Please share with your EAC rep or Sarah Mumm if you would be interested in being a grade span rep for your school  This will be a voluntary small group work opportunity.  It will take place with those who volunteer, even if all schools are not represented, revisions will occur that all will be held accountable to implement last year. 

  • The committee took time to review the use of the learner profile in our classrooms.  The following were ideas shared by grade spans:

-EC-1 summary

  • Teacher modeled practices

    • EC - modeled vocabulary, all about me or star student 

    • K-1 -provide opportunities for students to reflect on best learning environments

    • Teacher using their own learner profile and modeling how to add to their profile authentically

  • Co-constructed feedback conferences and engagement

    • EC- thumbs up/thumbs down

    • EC- get to vote on what they want to learn about and where they work/play

    • K-rating scale on how they are doing - smiley face/thumbs up thumbs down

    • K-Students are tracking some of their progress for the academic part of their profile.  They color in data sheets and participate in conferences.

    • 1-add new reflections in different colors so that they can see how they changed.

    • 1- students conferring in writing and using proficiency language to self reflect

    • K-Math pbp tables are kept in the learner profile in the academic status section. Learners use the pbp tables in their binder and participate in co-constructed conferences and next steps. Notes and next steps are kept in their binder.

    • K-They keep the sight words and letter formation progress in their learner profile.

    • K-Starting to notice when learners are advocating and then teachers are writing it on a piece of paper for the learner to draw a picture on the note and add it to their learner profile

  • Advocacy for Learner profile

    • EC-Students take initiative to advocate when they need a break

    • K-Starting to notice when learners are advocating and then teachers are writing it on a piece of paper for the learner to draw a picture on the note and add it to their learner profile

-2-3 summary:  

  • Modeling how to do the reflections and they can put them in a binder at the end of the year. Binder including All about me, academic status, learning drivers

  • Once the proficiency table is complete for that standard, it is checked off and put into Learner Profile. Graph growth monitoring for iReady. Presentation for student-led conferences. 

  • Binders are given to 3rd grade teachers for the next year. 

  • Teachers let them know to add something to their learner profile after a conference. Students can decide when and what to add to their learner profile.

  • Language cards regarding Learner profile vocabulary.: advocate, learning partner, feedback etc. Having a star chart to celebrate when a student advocates for their own learning.

  • Students are expected to advocate for learning choices that work best for them
    Students keep growth goals and graphs of data in their learner profile to self-reflect on their growth.

  • Students can keep a digital or paper learner profile and update during WIN time.  They use these to lead their student led conferences.  They reference their preferences while advocating for their learning needs.

-4-5 summary

  • Showed examples of learner profile, teachers have created their own learner profiles

  • Suggestions of things that would be great to add to learner profile during conferences or discussions

  • Incorporating into content area conferences

  • Students have a choice of digital or paper profiles, share examples of profile choice boards OR allow them to create their own.  

  • Use the different dimensions and give students choice of what they want to include, how they want to build a profile

  • Students are referring back to something they included in their profile and using that to advocate for learning needs.

  • Students are including work samples into profile

  • Still working on having students come up with the idea of what they want to include in their learner profile

  • Inconsistency of implementation of profiles between classrooms (KPASS partners) 

  • It can be hard for the students to access profile between classes (especially if on paper)

  • The team took time to review the feedback from the handwriting delivery PBP table.  The feedback will be used to finalize the table that will be sent out later this Spring and the intent is to reflect and implement next school year.  

  • The team took time to share possible revisions for the handwriting delivery table.  This table will be edited and a final version for delivery will be shared in later Spring.  

  • Finally the team discussed any edits or clarifications for the Social Science tables.  This year Social Science is in its review cycle.  The team will share feedback with the review committee for final revisions in later Spring. 

We hope that each and everyone of you have a great Thanksgiving week!  Take time for family and friends!  


Duck Hunt Help!

 Shout out to John and his daughter for making this great sign to assist in his search for is duck match!  We love the dedication and effort and wanted to help out.  If anyone has a matching duck please reach out to John at the high school!  

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Lucky For...

 Each month at Ad Team we reflect on what we are lucky to have and thankful for.  Here is this month's posts!  Thank you all for everything you do! 

1:1 Commitment Update

Quarterly update! Please take a moment to refresh your understanding of our action plans for the 1:1 commitment this year. How are you contributing to the success of these actions in your instruction? Remember we have an instructional technology coach who is very knowledgeable about how to embed technology into lessons effectively and in a very engaging manner. We have teams of teachers who are starting to look at how AI impacts teaching and how we can use artificial intelligence to continue to improve our practices.

-Flexible learning opportunities with technology use

-Students set and progress monitor their own learning online

-Students can articulate the technology choice in learning and why they selected the tech tool

-Staff can remain aware of emerging technology tools and their impact on education


Tenet update - Tenet A - 1st Year Teachers

For this reminder, we are reaching out to all of our 1st year teachers. Remember you have until the end of next year to complete the 10 tenets of Personalized Learning Academy 3.0. Tenet A focuses on the LDIP continuum and as you are nearly done with the first semester, this tenet is an easy entry into the world of PL. 


Remember these three aspects of instruction. As you are planning your lessons, ask yourself if there are opportunities to move along the LDIP continuum in any one of these areas. Remember, it is possible, but rare, that a lesson is personalized in all 3 of them. Focus on one. Evaluate your plan. And then see if you can shift. 

Need help? Our instructional coaches can offer wonderful coaching cycles on this topic. 

We are excited to see the evidence coming in. If ou have a chance at IgKngiht next week, stop by and see Ed Services to share all the col things you are doing. 

Lucky Duck Chance

 Be sure to remember your lucky duck number when attending IgKnight Conference on Monday.  We will have a Lucky Duck Meet Up Board to help you find your match.  The first HUGE raffle will be in December!  

IgKnight Conference is Next Week!

 The IgKnight Conference is almost here!  Please remember to check your schedule and be on time to all sessions to value our peers presenting.  We will also have shuttle service from the KHS student parking lot and KHS front parking lot during the times listed below.  Remember parking at KMAC is limited.  Be sure to have your IEIN number ready for check in and check out. You will need to sign in prior to the first session and sign out starting at 2:45 for attendance credit for the day.

We are also excited to once again offer professional development raffles! Be sure to not miss the chance to sign up for a raffle at the front entrance after lunch by sharing one thing you learned that day. A second larger raffle will take place within two weeks of the event, allowing staff to submit and share evidence of application of learning!

Thank you to our amazing presenters, over 100 staff members and outside presenters will be facilitating our learning! We look forward to a great day of learning on November 20th!

Bus Shuttle Service Times:

7:15 to 8:30

11:50 to 12:10

12:30 to 1:15

2:45 to 3:20

MTSS Meeting Update

 This week the MTSS Coordinators and Educational Service met for their monthly meeting.  The following were topics discussed.  Please follow through with any MTSS Coordinator or Sarah Mumm on any topic.

-Discussion of the math pre-tests and specifically how to collect data and information on 4AO.3.  Further discussion with the 4th grade STEM and Coaches will be happening on this topic over the next few months.  We will be collecting feedback on the math common assessment in April.  Please be capturing your suggestions for revisions over the next few months as you finish domains. 

-Writing post test color coding was discussed and planned.  The team will add a column for total scores on the data sheets and color code the post scores to look at writing trends.

-The team continued to review the way to capture requests for support in OT, SEL, and Speech.  We will be working on the process of making it more consistent on the process of requesting possible student or classroom needs. 

-The team discussed the process of collecting and reporting data for the Inspire section at KIPLA.  The MTSS Coordinators will be supporting KIPLA with these coordinator type activities. 

-ESGI use for monitoring learning at trimester benchmarks since it should only be used for small groups of students for learning progress.  Teachers can use it for checking learning progression, along with the quantitative and qualitative collected through observation and feedback cycles.  ESGI should not be doing ESGI for the entire class during the school year just as the pre and post assessment. 

-The team discussed the continuum of interventions for words study.  We brainstormed options and the intentional use of Fundations as an intervention for higher grades based on an assessment of the student's needs.  

-The team discussed collecting data for Rigby and options for next year on the best way to collect and use effectively key data for our common assessments.  We will be looking for brainstormed ideas of the most effective way to Rigby students next year.

-The team looked at the dates for the winter CASEL data collection.  We will collect CASEL January 16-19.  Please remember this is is required 3rd to 5th grade and optional for K-2, but always highly recommended.  

-Finally the team continued to review the collection of guided reading levels in trimester 2.  Please remember a great way to cross check the accurate reading level is to review your running records from small group work.  

Thursday, November 9, 2023

6-12 Standards-based Grading Update

 At our October 30th Board of Education meeting, it was voted that our 6th-12th grade grading system will transition at the end of this school year to a traditional percentage-based grading system. Ed Services will be looking to gather feedback from different stakeholders over the next few months as we build the details of our plan moving forward. 

Please note as we make this transition, we will still be able to utilize all of the work we have done in identifying reported standards, conferencing, and feedback, personalizing instructional and empowering student voice, as well as aligning our assessments to our standards. I encourage you to continue to work on Academy 3.0 as these tenets pertain to instruction, not standards-based grading (outside of Tenet I which asks for evidence from the 5 Commitments).

If you have specific questions, please feel free to email Patrick Raleigh at 

IgKnight Conference is Almost Here!

The IgKnight Conference is almost here!  Please remember to check your schedule and be on time to all sessions to value our peers presenting.  We will also have shuttle service from the KHS student parking lot and KHS front parking lot during the times listed below.  Remember parking at KMAC is limited.  Be sure to have your IEIN number ready for check in and check out. You will need to sign in prior to the first session and sign out starting at 2:45 for attendance credit for the day.

We are also excited to once again offer professional development raffles! Be sure to not miss the chance to sign up for a raffle at the front entrance after lunch by sharing one thing you learned that day. A second larger raffle will take place within two weeks of the event, allowing staff to submit and share evidence of application of learning!

Thank you to our amazing presenters, over 100 staff members and outside presenters will be facilitating our learning! We look forward to a great day of learning on November 20th!

Bus Shuttle Service Times:

7:15 to 8:30

11:50 to 12:10

12:30 to 1:15

2:45 to 3:20

IgKnight Academy Information Sharing

Thank you to everyone who shared information about IgKnight Academy with families during Parent-Teacher Conferences. I appreciate that families are reaching out with questions so that we can provide them with information and support. A few families have noted that their current teacher communicated not feeling informed about IgKnight details. I would like to invite anyone interested in learning more to visit us here at IgKnight. I'd be happy to schedule and facilitate a visit with any interested staff members to help you feel most prepared to communicate with interested families. I'm always happy to answer any questions or have you refer me to families. I can be reached at or 630-365-5111 x711127.  ~Laura  

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Student Voice- Parent Conferences K-5

 We had the pleasure this month to meet with students and reflect on the Parent Teacher Conference time.  Thank you to KME students for the open sharing and discussion.  The following is a summary of student reflections on the conference:

At conferences I shared my progress with my teacher and my family

My teacher often asks me how I learn best

I shared with my parents what I learned at school during conferences and the teacher shared too

We created slides to reflect on our learning along with next step goals

I reflect on what is easy and hard for me as a learner

I share with my parents from my notebook what I am learning 

My role in conferences was to reflect on my learning and show my parents what I was doing in class

I shared my student samples from my cubby with my family

I was in charge of the conference and sharing my learning in all areas and behavior 

We use a STEM profile and ELA profile based on our PBP table and both me and my teacher share where we think I am in learning

We highlight the PBP tables in different colors based on your proficiency level 

Teachers look not only at one sheet of work but everything you do within class and your engagement

I would like to do student led conferences as a 2nd grader

I would like to pick the slides for the student led conference instead of being given a template

If the teacher and I disagree on where I am in learning proficiency you can take an assessment or talk with the teacher to show what you know and change the assessment color

Not only did I share what I have learned and my goals but added comments from feedback from my teacher

I want more time to explain math pathways to my family, the time was too short and they were really interested in knowing more

 Things we want to change at our school:

We need an hour for lunch

We should have tubes in the ceiling for crawling

More recess time and options

We should have more groups for learning and going onto higher things to learn

More variety in math groups for higher level students

Less worksheets in math, more higher learning

More desk instead of tables in 5th grade rooms

Give us phones instead of chromebooks

Word Study Assessment

 At the upcoming EAC for EC-5, we will be discussing sight word lists and word study assessments.  After the holiday break we will be gathering a small group together to draft and revise the common assessments in these areas.  If you have any interest in serving on this type of small group committee please email Sarah Mumm.  If you have feedback regarding sight words or word study assessments please share that with your EAC member prior to the November 20th meeting.   

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Lucky Duck Time!

 Over the past few week we have had more matches then ever!!!!  Our first HUGE raffle is coming up in December, so go duck hunting and find your match to be part of the raffle.  This week be sure to check your numbers and see if you have lucky duck number 1!!!  Email Sarah Mumm at if you are a lucky winner!  

Updated Core Values Table EC-5

  In order to be better aligned between our core values proficiency tables and our report card language the EC-5 section of the core values table language has been updated.  Please use the following links to access the core values tables when reflecting on student learning progress in these areas.

Respect (may be used for both of the respect reported standards) 


Commitment to Excellence 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Core Values Tables Updated EC-5

 In order to be better aligned between our core values proficiency tables and our report card language the EC-5 section of the core values table language has been updated.  Please use the following links to access the core values tables when reflecting on student learning progress in these areas.

Respect (may be used for both of the respect reported standards) 


Commitment to Excellence 

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Last Chance to Register!

 These are the last two dates to register for your sessions at IgKnight Conference in November.  The Sched system will close on Thursday at 8AM.  If you are not scheduled for all five sessions you will only be allowed to choose what has open seats on that day to fill you schedule.  Register now so you can make the choice.  Thank you!

Interest in ELL and Bilingual Endorsement Cohort with AU

 At this time we are looking at the interest in starting a cohort for the ELL and Bilingual endorsements with AU.  If you have been considering beginning one or both of these endorsements, please email Sarah Mumm at

Monday, October 30, 2023

Where is the Knight Escape Event

 Our Four Schools One Book title will be revealed after our holiday break!  It is such a MYSTERY (hmmmm could that be a clue?).  If you would like to bring your students to the escape rooms using an in-district field trip request, check out your new dates the escape room is available to be open using this reservation document.  Classes can come for a full day or half day to the escape event.  To secure your date today, please contact Sarah Mumm at to set up your trip!  Don't get stuck in a PICKLE (hmmm...another clue?) and set your date early! 

K-5 Report Card Guidelines

As you complete Parent Teacher Conferences this week, and begin to finalize your report cards over the next week, please be sure to use the guide to assist you in completing the standards based report card on Infinite Campus.  This guide will assist you in what type of marking should be reported for each of the standards' type as well as the trimester that you should be assessing each standard.  Please note that if you have not instructed students in a specific reported standards you may leave it blank.  This does not apply to core values standards, they are assessed for every child each trimester.  At this time if you have any questions please reach out to Sarah Mumm or an Instructional Coach to assist you.  As you are working with the report cards this trimester note any statements of feedback.  A feedback google form to submit will come out mid-November and again second Trimester. 

Link to document

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Lucky Duck Matching

 Here are more reported lucky duck numbers, the raffle is coming soon!  If you see your match on the lists, contact them and reach out to be entered into the raffle!  Good luck and happy hunting! 

Elearning for Emergency Days

 Please remember the BOE did approve the use of elearning for emergency days.  See this guide for teachers on what the expectations look like for staff.  EC-1 staff be sure to hand out to families the blizzard bags at parent teacher conference time.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact Educational Services.