Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Curriculum Chats (3)

 Curriculum Chats took place today with Third Grade staff.  Thank you to all that were able to attend.  The following was discussed.  

-Math pilot and optional pilots coming later this Fall and Winter.  Initial feedback was given for the math pilot that is taking place currently. 

-Looking for feedback on the use of Guided Reading and Fountas and Pinnell tools.  If you have some feedback please feel free to share with Sarah. 

-A discussion on the need for new to the grade level or new to Kaneland writer's workshop was held.  Sarah will follow up with Anne and the Coaches for this option in PD.  

-Social Studies Impact books, we are still looking for more magazine sets for one school, working with the company to make sure we have the materials needed.  Please check with your APs in your school if you need any materials.

Next week we will have a STEM Chat for KPASS.  Here is the recurring link.

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