Monday, September 9, 2024

E-Learning Staff Version (EC-12)

 On Monday night at the BOE meeting the most recent version of the e-learning plan was approved with minor changes.  The change shifted Second Grade to the use of Blizzard Bags during e-learning and not online remote learning.  All EC-2nd grade Teachers need to be working on preparing activities (options are provided in the guidelines) for the students to work on during e-learning.  All students need to have printed Blizzard Bags sent home by October 11th (prior to our school holiday on October 14th).  Please be sure to send home your printed packets by that date for all EC-2nd students.  All other guidelines are the same as last year.  Please be sure to review the expectations for e-learning in this staff document.   The following document will be sent home to families later this week.  

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