Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Kaneland Connects Goals: Customized Learning Pathways

Why Customized Learning Pathways? 

Kaneland Connects captures the clear direction of our district, as articulated within our vision, mission and commitments.  This plan was developed with extensive input from the Strategic Plan Committee, which included members of the Board of Education, Kaneland students, parents, community members, staff members, CAC and FAC representatives and Kaneland Administration.Within the MTSS, SBG, and PBP strands of Kaneland Connects, proficient indicators include:

  • Students can learn through a flexible, customized system of support focused on enhancement or remediation interventions
  • Students can reflect on their learning and assist in the monitoring of their customized learning plan
  • Students can articulate their customized learning pathway to all stakeholders
  • Students can create a customized learning plan based on their progress towards proficiency by determining assessed assignments and other practice/exploration work
What are customized learning pathways?
Customized learning pathways adapt educational experiences to account for individual student’s various strengths, needs, motivations, progress, and goals. We know that learning is not one-size-fits-all. Every student learns in different ways, at different rates, and has different interests. A customized learning path identifies a clear progression of learning, including benchmarks, proficiency indicators, and what evidence of learning will be shared. Key questions students and teachers consider together when creating a customized learning path include:
  • Where am I in my learning right now?
  • Where do I need to get or what is my goal?
  • How am I going to get there?
  • How am I going to show what I learned?

What are examples of customized learning pathways in Kaneland?
  • Goal setting conferences with students
  • Must Do-May Do charts
  • Students choosing how to engage with content- through an online module, reading a textbook, meet in a group with a teacher, legacy lesson, etc. 
  • Students demonstrating proficiency in a variety of ways 
  • Students choosing to work or engage in discussions individually, with a partner or in a small group
  • Students choosing best seating options to align with current work/tasks

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